Raincoats and Galoshes

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     "I really need to read his medical file..." Gatlin was so underweight; Tim could count his ribs. Tim didn't know how he didn't notice it before, but his skin had an almost sickly pale tone to it. His natural olive skin looked like it hadn't really seen the sun in a while. But the thing that had gotten Tim's attention was the huge scar on his body. It started on the top of his right pectoral and curved down his side. It curved back towards his thigh and disappeared somewhere below his pant line. "What could have caused this? What happened to you?"

     A single spot on the scar, just above his hips, was a sickly dark yellow color with some blue mixed in. Tim tightened his fist as he thought of Aaron. If he ever saw that guy again, he might just kill him. He was just glad the punch to Gatlin's face hadn't been hard enough to leave any kind of mark. Gatlin suddenly rolled over in his sleep and snuggled into his pillow. Tim pet the top of his head and pulled the blanket up on his shoulders.

     Tim sat at his desk and looked at the folder that sat on it. It was baby blue and had the caduceus in black at the upper right corner. He still didn't want to open it. Part of him just hoped that Gatlin would tell him everything. He hated to go behind his back like this, but this was worrying. It wasn't just about him wanting to keep Gatlin's privacy anymore. It was a much more serious matter, especially now that he knew Gatlin might have a serious injury that needed looking after. Tim took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He had to do this. There was no more stalling.

     Slowly he released the breath and looked back down at the folder. He opened the cover and was looking at a picture of Gatlin that they must have taken at the classification center. He wasn't smiling, but he didn't have the sad look in his eyes that he always seems to have. It must have been taken before he got his results.

     He flipped the picture and started reading the first page. It was just basic information.

Name: Gatlin Brian Vecore

     Well, now he knew Gatlin's full name. He chuckled a little when he saw that Gatlin was almost a full month older than him. 'Wait,' Tim thought as he looked at the birthdate again. 'If he's that much older, then why wasn't he tested with group one?' He just shrugged it off and kept reading.

Age: 16

Height: 4' 11"

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Green

Parents: Harrison Vecore (General Sub – Living) Janet Vecore (Neutral – Deceased Car Accident)

Classification: Sub – Little (Age 5 – 11 months)

Known allergies: None.

     'Well, that's good. At least I won't feed him something that could kill him.'

Known medical conditions: NOTE! These are the results for the physical part of the classification test. NOT a full medical history! All new Caregivers must take their Little to a licensed physician within the first two weeks of being assigned. The physician will then update the Little's file and Little Services will be notified.

Gatlin, though appearing healthy, is severely malnourished. His weight and height may have been altered due to the severity of his condition.

On his right side he has a large scar and several smaller scars scattered throughout the right side of his head under his hair that is the result of an accident caused by an automobile. All wounds appear to have healed and there is no outwards appearance of an infection.

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