Picking Up The Meds

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     Tim bounced his foot while he waited on the other side of the curtain at the nurse's office. He had carried Gatlin there to make sure he didn't need to be taken to the hospital or anything. He felt kinda bad about the whole thing. Sure, he wasn't the one who hit the kid, but if he'd come out of the stall when he heard the fight start, none of this would be happening.

     Shortly the nurse moved the curtain and sighed. "He's sleeping at the moment. I took the liberty of cleaning him up. I'm surprised how well the pull-up held up! He's in a diaper now and should be ok. Just be sure to give him his meds and he should be alright."

     "Meds?" Tim asked confused. "What meds?" 'Gatlin is on medication? Why didn't anyone tell me!? Why didn't he tell me?' Tim sighed hard.

     "You... aren't you, his Daddy?" She asked, almost equally confused sounding.

     "I'm his Caregiver. Not his Daddy." Tim said firmly as his eyes narrowed. He hated that term almost as much as Gatlin did.

     "Daddy or Caregiver, you should know all about his medical condition! Does he have his medication on him then? Please don't tell me he doesn't have any at all!"

     This was what Tim was worried about. Littles are a big responsibility. He wasn't ready for this. He didn't want this. Why him? No matter what anyone said, he was not cut out for this lifestyle.

     Gat woke up and immediately recognized the nurse's office. He looked around and tried to figure out why he was there though. He heard some faint talking on the other side of a curtain. He tried to sit up and see who was out there. The pain in his side made him flinch. He had to lay back down... and what was that sound? Why does the pull-up feel so...?

     'Oh... god... no...' Gat went pale and tried not to cry. They had done it. They had finally put him in a diaper. Why??? Why would they do that to him? What happened? He tried to remember. AARON! Aaron and Luke had cornered him in the bathroom. He must have lost control when they hit him. He had worked so hard and done so well in not having an accident. All it took was one hit to his kidney to undo over two years of hard work. Was he going to have accidents all the time now? Would Tim allow him to go back to a pull-up? Who had put the diaper on him? Did they see the... They had to have. Was it Tim or the nurse? Would he treat him differently if it was him? Was he going to ask a bunch of questions now?

     Gat felt like he was underwater. Everything seemed to be drowning him.

     A pair of hands picked him up and set him on his feet. He blindly looked at the blurry figure in front of him. They were trying to talk to him, but his ears made everything sound distorted. He blinked a few times and tried to clear his thoughts.

     "Is he good to go then? Do I need to take him to the hospital? He seems out of it." Tim's voice came into his ears. But he wasn't talking to him. Who was he talking to?

     "Like I said, he should be ok. Just give him his medication as directed. If he's already missed a few doses, it might take some time to get into his system. And keep better track of his needs. He's skinny as a rail." A woman's voice spoke now. It must be the nurse.

     Gat slowly turned his head and saw the brightly colored scrubs the nurse had on. They were giving him a headache and he had to turn away. He blinked a few more times before he realized what she had said.

     'Medication? Crap! I don't have it. I ran out a few days before my classification test.' He started to breathe a bit quicker. He had to calm down.

     "Buddy?" The nurse was suddenly kneeling in front of him and took his hand. "Do you think you could tell your Daddy where your medication is?"

     Gat blinked back a few tears. He shook his head 'no'. He was so out of it; he didn't even realize she had called Tim his Daddy.

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