Noticing More Things

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     Gat had been so involved in his drawing, trying to get it just right, that he hadn't heard Tim come into the room. He started to breathe slightly heavily and was worried that Tim was going to take away everything. Even though the question was simple and there was no anger in his voice, Gat was still stressed.

     "Um..." He slowly sat up and tried to use the folder next to him to hide the rest of the art kit. "M-my grandmother was an... an artist. She taught me a few things." He whispered without turning around. He didn't want to see Tim's face.

     "And where did you see the '87 Ford at?" Tim asked about the pictures subject.

     "On my grandparents' property." He continued to keep his back to him. Was he going to get in trouble for not looking at Tim while he talked? "We used to go there all the time when..." Gat caught himself. Why was he still talking?

     Tim didn't say anything. He just leaned over further and looked at the picture a bit better. "Is this for art class?" The tone of his voice wasn't giving away anything he was thinking. It almost frightened Gat how mono-toned it was.

     "Yeah..." Which wasn't a total lie. The teacher had said she wanted to see it finished.

     Tim looked at the art one more time and something odd happened. Gat could swear he saw his eyes soften. He turned to Gat and looked like he was about to ask something when the front door opened and slammed shut downstairs.

     "Emma! Get out here!" Howard's voice carried all the way upstairs as he slammed each foot down towards his own room somewhere below them. The voices were muffled, but they were definitely having some kind of argument about his lunch(?)... at least that's what it sounded like to Gat.

     Any sign of softness in Tim's eyes had disappeared and it was replaced by the same look he always gave. He stood up straight and scoffed a little. "Just make sure you finish it if it's homework." He said in a much different tone of voice now. "And don't be late for dinner."

     Dinner was awkward. Howard was mad. Everyone could feel the anger coming off him. Emma was sitting next to him looking almost equally angry. Tim knew better though. Even with his temper, Howard was never violent. He wasn't a caring man by any means, but he knew that violence was never the answer. The worst he ever did when he was angry like this was scream.

     Unfortunately, Gatlin didn't know this. He kept his head down and very slowly ate his food. He looked terrified. Howard looked at him and gave a slightly satisfied grin. It'd only been day two, but this Little seemed to be minding his manners much more than he thought it would. Howard had also noticed a slight change in Tim as well. He didn't seem as disgusted with Gatlin as he had been the night before.

     Tim felt his brother's eyes on him. He looked up and glared, as if to say, 'What's your problem?' Howard shrugged and returned to his food, his mood slowly getting better.

     "We might be home a little later than normal tomorrow." Tim said half-way through dinner. "Our class is going on some sort of field trip at the end of the day."

     "Oh!" Emma suddenly seemed to perk up. "Where are you going?"

     "We don't know yet. They won't tell us til tomorrow. I hope it's not something stupid." Tim grumbled the last part under his breath.

     "Why didn't they ask me for permission?" Howard asked as he swished his drink around in his cup. He took a sip and looked at Tim.

     "I guess because I'm a Caregiver, (he shivered at the word) I'm considered legal and don't need your permission anymore."

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