What Would You Do?

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Let's pretend for a second that I know you and you know me and we've known each other forever.

What would you do if I disappeared?

You'd be concerned certainly. Maybe confused, maybe even scared. Would you search? Would you cry out for my return? Or would you simply carry on?

Everyone is telling you to stop hiding and start showering - for me of course.

Would you? Would you forget?

I would howl and cry and get violent when I was told to give up. Even when the case eventually went cold, I wouldn't stop.

I would become obsessed.

Soon I'd desperately try anything else I could think of to get you back. I'd post flyers and find god and offer reward money that I didn't have for any tip at all. If those things didn't work, I'd do something else.

Everything else.

I'd go to a psychic and she'd tell me you were dead. What would you do next?

I'd try harder.

Maybe I'd go to a library and scour the shelves for help. Maybe I'd risk dirty looks from the librarian when I asked about books on resurrection and dirtier looks when I asked where I could find the black magic and witchcraft section.

For days I'd feel stupid and hopeless and angry.

Until I found something.

Then I'd start preparing.

I'd feel better than I had in what seemed like years. I'd be motivated and jovial and eager to see sunlight and other people. I'd go and buy candles and chalk and impossibly hard to find herbs and search for maternity wards with negligent nurses.

And then I'd be ready.

The night would be darker than usual with the absence of the moon. Without hesitation I'd walk confidently into the hospital and hold the delicate casualty close to my chest.

I'd place the giggling newborn in the middle of the chalk circle gingerly and carefully place the candles around it. After burning those herbs that I so diligently collected, I would walk into the circle and remove the tiny infant's tiny heart from its tiny body and let the blood soak into the floor.

I'd step out of the circle quickly and start chanting. I would be quiet until I started screaming and begging for a response. And then it would come. It would be horrific and terrible and I would nearly be too petrified to continue.

But I would.

It would regard me and grin. It would explain the terms and conditions and I would be too overjoyed to listen. I'd simply agree. I would steal one thousand children if I had to.

But when little by little I started fading, I'd start to panic. Whatever I had summoned would laugh loudly as it began to vanish with me.

I'd regret nothing.

Now you're back and your answer is vital:

What would you do if I disappeared?

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