Reflected Sin

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He locked the bedroom door and walked towards the mirror. His reflection frowned back at him.

When he didn't say anything, the reflection spoke.

It said, "How did it go? Did you clear?"

He nodded, "The polygraph showed I was telling the truth. The detective is convinced. You are out of suspicion Alfred."

The reflection gave out a sigh of relief and said, "I knew I could count on you Big Al."

"Don't call me that," replied the man, "I am your reflection Alfred. That means we have the same name."

The reflection laughed, "But Big Al sounds cooler. I was sure there was no proof linking me to my wife's murder; still I would never have had the balls to face questionings without messing up. Thank God I had you!"

"Yup! It was very smart of you Alfred, to send your reflection in your stead. But you know, I do miss Katie. Remember those times when both of you used to stand in front of the mirror, and her reflec-- "

The reflection, Alfred replied tersely, "Enough! Touch the mirror so that I can come out."

The man hesitated, but touched the mirror.

Both exchanged places and Alfred laughed, "For a moment I thought you were gonna let me remain inside."

It was then that he heard the police siren.

"What! How...?"

The reflection spoke, "On the way back I texted the detective as to how I, i.e. you murdered Katie, in full detail."

"But why Big Al...?"

The reflection replied calmly, "I am your reflection and my name is Alfred too. And you will burn for murdering my wife. You motherfu--"

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