Counting Sheep

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I've never been the type of person who could fall asleep with ease. When I was a kid, my parents tried every option available to help me get some rest. Therapy, pills, even hypnosis.

In the end, the simplest of solutions prevailed: counting sheep. They would happily jump over a fence as I counted them off, slowly drifting away in the process. It's been the only way I've been able to sleep for 21 years.

Until things changed. The sheep stopped prancing along like they used to. They sprinted. Scrambled. They dragged themselves over the fence in desperation. I could barely count them as they darted past.

Then I saw it. Its twisted, matte black body and barbed spine. Claws and teeth like shattered glass. It ripped through the sheep like a lawnmower.

Now it sits, perched upon the blood soaked fence, eyes trained on me. Every time I begin to drift off, it approaches, until I jolt myself awake.

I haven't slept for some time now.

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