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Pulling back from me he tried to chew the bite which I had thrusted in his mouth. After moving his mouth for two to three times, he stopped and started looking for something.

Picking up a bunch of tissues, he spit in it and then had a glass of water.

" So how was it ?"

" Vomiting inducing."

" You can start your own business of making poison with that recipe."

" Tell me, why did you stuff that sandwich in my mouth when I told you that, you have to stay here for three days ? What if I had said three hours ? And how the hell did you manage to gulp down that god awful bite ?"

Placing both my hands on the table I shifted a bit forward and looked at them while pulling at my fingers.

" I..ah.. it's been a long time since someone had cooked for me and I was just not....I did not wanted to disrespect or criticise your efforts and the food. And had you said three hours, then I would have managed without food for that long but three days is too much for me to go on a hunger strike. And as for the awful bite,......well let's just say that its not the worst of what one can have."

Well at least its better than the scraps of food stuck to the base of a pan which sometimes I had to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner !

"You mean to say that there's someone who can cook worse than me ?"

"Destiny." I whispered underneath my breath.

"Haa ?"

" Nothing you leave all that and tell me why have you kidnapped me and holding me as hostage ?" keeping my hands on my waist I glared at him with so much intensity that I accidently ended up closing my eyes.

Chuckling a little, he cocked his eyebrows and asked, " For being a kidnapper don't you think I am being too liberal with you ?"

" For being a victim don't you think I'm being too compliant with you ?"

" You exhale sarcasm for every breath you take and you call yourself compliant ?"

"Dude if you have so much problem with my sarcasm then get away from my breathing space."

" But that's the thing your sarcasm ensnares me." At this point we were almost in each others faces with just a gap of breath between us.

" Yeah then kindly get more ensnared and tell me the reason for me being here." Smiling at him sweetly I kept my hands on his shoulders.

Taking my hand in his, he kissed my finger lightly and said, "With these lovely hands make me some food and soon you'll find my tongue becoming loose."

"How about I feed you some chilies so that your tongue becomes totally loose."

" Dhyan se baisa aap bhul rhi hai hum Rajasthani hai aur upar se Rajput, hume tikkhi cheezein bahut pasand hai."

( Be careful my dear, I am a rajasthani as well as a rajput, we love all things spicy.)

The way his eyes raked me from top to toe along with suggestive words made a shiver run down my spine.

Behind my back I tucked my forefinger under my thumb and then in a fast motion raised my hand and flicked his forehead, successfully putting off the romantic keeda which seems to have been feeding off his brain.

"Now I get it, all throughout the morning you've been thinking and speaking from your empty stomach instead of using your brains. And that is the reason why you are behaving like as if you have swallowed all of cupid's bow. I guess it will be a better option to get you some food so you can get back to the sane and sushil Deven from the empty stomach rake you have turned into."

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