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The dance of emotions flitting across Shreya's face gave an insight to her myriad of thoughts. As the first splash of shock receded, she checked out the mass of muscles which seemed to be as frozen as a cube of ice.

'Would you look at their faces, I'm so cool!' I mentally patted my back ,but then my sarcastic conscience simply cannot take a backseat. 'Yeah, cool enough to freeze a prince.'

Admiration mixed with appreciation along with appraisal were dripping from her face and in response the block of ice simply raised his eyebrow and took a step back. And finally, as the guilt of her married status kicked in a bright red flush decorated her face.

"From where did you find him?" My unusually flustered friend blurted out. Her face resembled a tomato under pressure as she continued gawking at him.

"OH, that you know the place from where I got you these chocolates, they told me that I had won a coupon and I could have any one thing for free. So, I checked out their store and guess what I found this candy tugged in the bottom shelf among the pile of discounted stocks, and I simply couldn't resist from buying him for you."

Winking at me , she said, "Well I can clearly see why you couldn't resist. Can you tell me about this shop too? They shouldn't have kept him on the shelf though, a locker would have been better."

As soon as her eyes met mine, we both burst into bouts of hearty laughter. After having recovered from our respective fits Shreya looked at me with a smile.

"But seriously Adhu,from where did you find this piece of hunk? And before bringing him here you should have sent the divorce papers so that I could have enjoyed him without any guilt."

Hell hath no fury like a pregnant wife scorned!

Taking a step back I leaned against the wall and crossed my legs as a very red and 'burned to a crisp'husband came in my view. I could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears and the barely there restraint which prevented him from pouncing on his wife.

" Na those papers would have been useless because the product description of this candy is eye-candy therefore you can only see. However if you want a more hands on product then I have another one for you."

"well if the eye-candy is this good looking then I can only imagine how delicious the hands on product will be."

Passing her a nervous smile I walked towards the eye candy and the hidden 'hands on product'.

" shouldn't have such high expectations because this product has already been used by you, in fact, it was selected by you and you were satisfied with it up until a few days ago. And since it was the only one available I brought it here for you."

Fastening my hand around Vikram's wrist I pulled him in front of Shreya. As soon as her eyes landed on him they lit up with fire and the teasing smile on her face morphed into an ugly scowl. The discernible heaviness of silence which had enveloped the room only served to increase my blood pressure. Every passing second only fed her growing ire. And looking at his currently flammable wife the anger and attitude simply fizzled out of Vikram like the air from a balloon.

"Baby ...." And this simple word of affection was the catalyst required for Shreya to explode. She took hold of the nearest thing available which happened to be an apple and threw it at him followed by an orange , banana and finally a pineapple which successfully targeted the empty head of her husband. I snatched the fruit bowl from her hand before it can be used as a frisbee.

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