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Popping the knuckles of my right-hand I kept my eyes trained at the entrance waiting for his highness to make his grand entry. Well he did look good in his white shirt and his cologne is enticing enough to have you melting like ice cream on top of waffles.

But the fact still remains that how dare he order me to leave my fight ? Me Adhweta Singh who never backs down from a fight! I left that place only to save his image in front of his employee but let him come back I will show him the female version of hulk.

Hulk? Yeah right like you did not get scared at the madness dancing in his eyes and walked away with your tail tucked between your legs .

Reaching down I rubbed my ankles to soothe the pain arising from having been standing for so long and turned away from the door.

"Go to the lobby and wait for me" imitating his deep voice I let out another scoff. " He was acting as if I am a small child, incapable of defending myself. I could have handled everything very well. But no he has to magically appear everywhere and start ordering around like a military commander. I could have easily dealt with that Mishra and that too in a few seconds."

"By reciting another shayari, right?"

Turning around I narrowed my eyes and walked or rather limped towards him.

"Look Mr. Rajput there was no need for you to jump into my matters. I can hold my own against people I don't need to use someone as my crutch to win my fight."

"Nobody asked you to use anyone as your crutch, but you should be intelligent enough to take help when needed."

"I don't need anybody's help."

"Oh yeah, then please tell me how would you have defended yourself had he tried to hurt you."

"I ....I would have s-slapped him or...or would have given him a hard punch in the gut..or a nice kick to his shin would have solved the...ahhh..."

While I was busy listing my defence tactics he moved his large body with the agility of a cheetah and catching both my arms he locked them behind my back with his one hand.

"What the hell, what are you doing?... leave me."

"So let's assume that this is how he would have attacked you and now you are going to use your too smart for your own good brain and free yourself from my hold...come on."

Wriggling around I tried to twist my arms out of his hold. When this trick seemed to be failing I tried to jerk my knee towards his most sensitive spot which would have him dancing like a ballerina in a tutu but before I could play my trick he trapped my knee between his own causing us to be pressed up against each other as close as humanly possible.

I could feel his biceps pushing against my shoulders as my face got pressed up against his chest. The only good thing was that I was once again able to smell his heavenly cologne.

Bending his head he brought his mouth near my ear, his warm breath leaving a trail of goosebumps on my nape and arms

"So you are all bark and no bite isn't it Miss Singh? Just a while ago you were listing out your various defence tactics now where have they disappeared to? What if he had trapped like this ? You would have lost or worse gotten hurt. Now I hope you understand the fact that you should take help when needed instead of pushing yourself into deep trouble."

Sliding his hands from my elbows to my wrist he stared at my face with a small smirk which fuelled my irritation. If I fail to get out of his hold right now then he will continue to tease me about it every time we'll meet.

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