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Bending a little forward, I moved my right hand in fast erratic strokes as I tried to sketch out the portico of the hotel for the nth time in the last five hours. After going at it for another few minutes I tore the sheet of paper and crushed it between the palms of my hands.

It has been five hours since I left Adhweta's apartment but it seems like she is not ready to leave my god damn mind! That woman ,she is so stubborn in every aspect of her life even as she stays in my thoughts when I 'm trying my best to think of anything but her. She's the kind of woman to whom you cannot turn a blind eye to. With all the madness, vibrancy and chaos which seems to follow in her wake she makes your breaths count.

Being the crown prince who is someday expected to take over the mantle and lead people towards a bright future, the virtue of staying calm under distress has been ingrained into me right from the very beginning. But today when I saw the bedraggled, injured figure of Adhweta stumbling towards me only to fall unconscious in my arms ,it made me lose my marbles. So much that I ended up shouting at my assistant to drive us to the hospital forgetting about the confused and trembling driver standing beside my car.

And if you think that I stopped at that then you are wrong,

because as soon as I reached the hospital I caught hold of the nearest available man, who happened to walk around in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck. And clapped his back with all my strength, twice, scaring him so much that he ran around to arrange everything despite being one of the senior surgeons and continued to hover around Adhweta's room till the time she got discharged. I think I made him question his decision of taking up medicine as his career option!

As I kept going through the recollections of the last night a thought stood out to me. Pulling out my phone from my pocked I called up my assistant.

" Shlok I need you to get hold of someone who could deliver an Indian breakfast at miss Singh's residence. Preferably something light, like upama. And inform the person delivering it to not to reveal the fact that I am the one who is having it delivered at her place."

For the past two weeks ,during which she was working for me I somehow avoided any kind of meeting with her but just one look at her bruised body had me running towards her like a mad person. When the disposal room caught fire the manager had called me to inform me about it and as a precautionary measure I went there to have a look at it, only to get a shock.

Till now I have seen the sassy in-command women, the astute and hardworking businesswoman but today I got a glimpse of the naughty yet vulnerable child hidden underneath the armour of sarcasm . I could see the flare of anger which lit up her eyes when I talked about her family and the loneliness and longing which enveloped her when she talked about having a sense of belonging. It almost felt like as if she was looking for some kind of justification, to answer some of her questions to somehow lighten her burden which she seemed to be carrying around. And I did try to comfort her in my own way.

The buzzing of the intercom pulled me from my thoughts. Pushing the answer button I sat down on my chair.

" Sir I have asked miss Joshi to go to miss Singh's place with the requested order."

"Ok thank you."

Food, it seems to work like a charm on her. I remember the way that she ravished that chocolate when she came to my office for the first time and how she lost her sense of surrounding when she ate with me at the café and then on her terrace. But damn those laddoos and papdi were mouth-watering. I swear I could have eaten an entire box full of them all by myself and still be left wanting for more!

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