Warnings - Chapter 19

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??? - "And she did it, you say?"

Y/N - "I mean, she was holding the knife, so yeah. She did it. Ruined my jacket, too-"

??? - "You're awfully calm about this, Y/N. Do you understand that this is important?"

Y/N - "Sure."

??? - "Do you want this to be fixed? Resolved?"

Y/N - "I guess."

??? - "Y/N, I have to warn you-"

Y/N - "Warn me?"

??? - "Yes, that's what I said. Why?"

Y/N - "Dunno, I think it's funny. Warn, as if you've caught me doing something shameful that I must be reprimanded for, right?"

??? - "N-No, that's not it-"

Y/N - "I know. It's just funny. Don't you think? 'Warning' is just so ominous, right? Like a divine note to self to stop what you're doing. No matter how impactful you may think it is, you're treading in waters that are unfamiliar to you, and you need to stop before you pay the price. There's a different energy to "Y/N, I have to tell you", or "Y/N, I have to advise you" against "Y/N, I have to warn you." As if God has come to collect his due. As if I've done something so inhumanly wrong it has to be righted. As if order and chaos are swirling around my soul after I've done something villainous that even the devil would wince at. 'Warn' gives me power. 'Warn' admits that I'm a force to be reckoned with."

??? - "... goodness, Y/N. Have you considered poetry?"

Y/N - "No. No I haven't."


Monika didn't recognise the name.

Monika wasn't one to typically get very angry. She never found the strength or the care to do so, and being a nice person was the much simpler, calmer and easier solution. In fact, Monika couldn't recall the last time she even yelled. Sure this morning she got a little protective of Y/N, but that was because everyone was ogling at him. Although she did feel as if she should apologise for that still.

Today was going incredibly. Monika woke up in Y/N's arms, the best of places to wake up, and remembered their recent confession. Today marked their first official day as a couple, and they had the joy of Y/N's mysterious planned second date. Then the rest of the girls found out, which wasn't a problem at all (it made things a lot easier all things considered) but was rather sudden. Then, oh boy, Y/N did his performance in assembly where Monika felt more attracted to him than ever before. He just radiated this insatiable confidence that poured over her in absolute waves of ecstasy. She couldn't even sit still in her seat afterwards; she had to physically move to get the energy out of her system. And, of course, ecstasy isn't a word to be used lightly. Monika may have had a couple less savoury thoughts following the performance. Y/N just looked very good on stage, is all. Is she not allowed to think of her boyfriend in that way?

Unfortunately she didn't have the time to congratulate him after assembly, and so she rushed to her first lesson of arithmetic.

And then, about thirty minutes in or so, she received a text on her phone, and asked the teacher to excuse herself.

Apparently Sayori had left her lesson to see Y/N and Natsuki was already with him, so Monika wasn't particularly worried about seeing him immediately. Well, of course she was, but she had to expel these emotions out of her body first. It was the first time in years where Monika had felt so angry that she had to do something about it. She didn't much care for her reputation at the moment, nor did she care that she was missing a lesson, or some people were giving her the strangest of looks as she stomped down the corridor, unbridled fury washed across her face, because this Chichei individual had hurt someone she cared quite deeply about. If it was anyone in the club, she'd have this reaction, but it had to be Y/N. Of course, it was Y/N.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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