Stars - Chapter 13

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Stars are such wonderful things.

Y/N had grown to become intimately attached to the night. It was forced upon him due to his insomnia. The day was very long, everyone woke up and then went to sleep. During their sleep they missed some of the best times of the day, however. The cool air, the silent serenity, the twinkle of the stars.

Ah, the stars. 

The beauty of stars is a tapestry woven across the vast, velvet canvas of the night sky. It is a reminder of the boundless wonders that exist beyond our earthly realm, a testament to the infinite expanse of the universe and the eternal mysteries that beckon us to explore and contemplate. Even at a young age Y/N loved the stars. As Y/N gazed upon the night sky, he was always captivated by the sheer brilliance of those celestial gems. Each star is a radiant speck of light, a distant sun burning with an intensity that defies imagination. Their luminous glow is a beacon of hope in the darkness, a source of inspiration for poets, dreamers, and seekers of truth throughout the ages.

What makes stars even more enchanting is their diversity. Some shine with a steady, unwavering glow, while others twinkle and dance as if they have a secret to share. They come in various sizes, colours, and stages of evolution, reminding you that the universe is a dynamic and ever-changing place. From the fiery red giants to the serene white dwarfs, each star tells a story of its own, a tale of birth, life, and, ultimately, transformation. Stars are not merely distant specks in the sky; they are cosmic alchemists, forging the very elements that make up the world and our bodies. In the searing furnaces at their cores, hydrogen atoms fuse into helium, releasing a torrent of energy in the process. This energy, in turn, sustains life on Earth and fuels the luminous beauty of the stars themselves. We are stardust, as the saying goes, connected to the cosmos in the most profound way. Or that's what Y/N picked up from his science lessons at least.

The beauty of stars extends beyond their individual radiance. It lies in the constellations they form, the stories they inspire, and the sense of wonder they evoke. The ancient Greeks saw in the heavens a pantheon of gods and heroes, while indigenous cultures around the world wove tales of creation and wisdom among the stars. Even today, the night sky continues to spark one's imagination, encouraging people to chart their own narratives and find meaning in the patterns above. Stars also serve as navigational guides, helping sailors find their way across uncharted seas and guiding travellers through deserts and forests. They have been our celestial companions throughout human history, offering solace to those who have gazed upon them in moments of solitude and reflection. But perhaps the most profound beauty of stars lies in the questions they pose. They challenge us to contemplate our place in the universe, to ponder the nature of existence itself. Are we alone in this vast cosmos, or are there other beings, other worlds, waiting to be discovered among the stars? These questions, born from the beauty of stars, drive us to explore, to learn, and to reach for the heavens.

In the quiet moments when Y/N looked up at the night sky, he was reminded of humanity's shared connection to the cosmos, of the ancient light that has travelled across unimaginable distances to reach my eyes. He always felt humbled by the grandeur of the universe and inspired to seek answers to its deepest mysteries. The beauty of stars is not just a visual spectacle; it is a source of wonder, inspiration, and contemplation. It reminds us that, in our quest to understand the universe, we are not alone. We are part of a cosmic tapestry, a living testament to the beauty and complexity of existence. And as long as we continue to gaze at the stars with awe and curiosity, we are bound to uncover new wonders and uncover the secrets of the universe.

One of the best parts about Winter was that the sky would clear on some of the colder nights, leading you to have a better view of sky above you. As it got darker in the Winter the stars came out earlier too. Some nights when Y/N couldn't sleep he would just walk into his garden, lay on the grass and look up. He fell asleep like that one time. Luckily his ill-ridden youth allowed him to survive the elements, but not without a sore back and slight sniffles, and a definite need for a shower. The stars tonight were no different, peaking through his windows as the club walked back into the warm interior of Y/N's home.

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