Stares - Chapter 8

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Stares were something Y/N had grown used to. He always managed to blend in, yet stick out just enough to be noticeable. Not on purpose particularly, but as fate would have it. In his last school, people would often look at him, be it because of a scene his old friends were causing him to make, him having some emotional outburst or him being oddly quiet. Therefore, staring was a common occurrence for Y/N, and it had been one he had become numb to.

This is no different today. Y/N had walked into school on Monday, following the weekend he spent thinking about his coffee date with Monika on Friday, and was greeted by intense stares of jealousy, intrigue or wonder. A couple girls he had never spoken to before came up to him and greeted him, fluttering their obnoxiously large eyelashes and reeking of perfume. Some guys shoulder checked him or asked him questions like "How did you do it?", to which Y/N would respond cluelessly with "Do what?" , prompting them to sigh and walk away frustrated. Usually Y/N wouldn't care about the stares and the whispers, but something about them felt off and really dug under his nerves. Apparently, this was more noticeable than Y/N wanted, made clear to him as Sayori walked over to him to say good morning.

Sayori - "Hiya Y/N- oh, wow, are you okay?"

Y/N - "Huh? Yeah, fine. You okay?"

Sayori - "No, cause you clearly aren't okay."

She quickly looked around Y/N, seeing all the looks he was receiving. Sayori leaned towards Y/N and spoke in a hushed whisper so that only the two of them could hear.

Sayori - "Why is everyone staring at you?"

Y/N - "I have no idea..."

Sayori's eyes glinted with an idea. Suddenly, Sayori started yelling loudly and obnoxiously, haphazardly tumbling onto the floor with a soft thud. Y/N instinctively burst out laughing, holding out a hand to help her up.

Y/N - "W-What the hell are you doing!?"

Sayori - "OOOOOH, oooooooooh, I'm dying!"

Y/N - "W-WHAT?!"

All the looks they were receiving promptly left, no one wanting to interfere with Sayori's strange antics. Sayori cracked open an eye, scanning for anyone else left staring, and then promptly stood back up and dusted herself off.

Y/N - "... a-are we... okay?"

Sayori - "Yup! And now no one's staring you anymore, hehe!"

Sayori grins, skipping into their classroom merrily for their next lesson. She always had a special way of doing things. Y/N followed and sat down next to her, giving her an intense glance. It looked like Sayori had completely forgotten what she just did, chirpily taking her stuff out of her bag.

Sayori - "Oh yeah! How was your date with Monika?"

Y/N - "Huh? How do you know about that?"

Sayori - "Everyone's been talking about it!"

Oh. Y/N had no idea how everyone knew, unless Monika told people, but it explains everything he's experienced so far today.

Y/N - "Ah, right. Well, it was really nice. Really nice. We got to know each other really well too, we talked for like four hours."

Sayori - "Hmm~? Do you liiiiiiiiike her?"

Y/N - "Yes."

Sayori looked taken aback, smiling wider but also widening her eyes in shock.

Sayori - "Huh, I was preparing to chase you around with that for a while."

Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Monika x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now