Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"Yeah... you're welcome. Now let's get you home..." he said. I just nod my head. We turn around and starts to walk again. Akaza keeps one of my hand in his hold. For some reason, the feeling of his hand makes me feel a sense of... warmth.

Why am I feeling this way?

-I Will Keep You Safe-


As always, the moment I reached home, Akaza is not around. I don't know how he got away so fast. There's something to him that makes me curious. The way his presence feels different from other people I ever met. His presence feels different... yet it makes me feel calm.

"Y/N?" I heard my mom calling out to me. I turn my head slightly to her direction. "You've been silent ever since you returned home. Is everything alright with you, dear?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah... I am" I said, nodding my head. I smile softly towards her direction, trying to assure her that I'm okay. She hums softly and gently grabs my hand. She gently guided me towards where we'd normally eat. I take a seat behind the small table.

I start to eat in silent. Both of my parents forbids me to use chopsticks because of my blindness. So I have to use a spoon. I didn't complain about it, knowing they only want to make sure I didn't accidentally poke my eyes. Even though they didn't work, I still wouldn't want to lose them.

"How's the food, dear?" I heard my father asked. I turn my head slightly to his direction. "Is it too hot for you?" He asked again.

"It's not, Father..." I said, smiling softly at him. I turn my attention to the food and continue to eat. The rest of the dining is filled with silence. Mainly the silence came from me. While both of my parents would share small conversation with one another.

Soon the food is done. "Thank you for the food. I'll be going to rest now" I said. I move closer towards them. I wrap my arms around the two of them. I'm so glad that my senses are able to help me locate where people are around me. It saved me from embarrassing situations where I'd run into someone. Well, minus that one time when I ran into that man. But that was when I left the house in anger, so I was not paying attention to what's going on around me.

I head to my room, sliding the door close behind me. I walk towards the futon where it's suppose to be. Mother never really rolled it up, stating it would be easier for me to lay down. I lay down and pull the blanket up to my chest. I turn to lay on my side, closing my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.


Today is just another day, another day for me to sell my flowers. I don't know how much more flowers I need to sell to gather enough money for my eyes surgery. I can't wait for the day I'd finally able to see everything clearly.

I feel the breeze changes which lets me know that the sun is starting to set. Akaza would be coming to visit me anytime now. I don't know why I feel excited at the mere thought of being able to meet him again. Even though I can't see him, being able to sense his presence is more than enough.

"Hello, Akaza-San..." I said, turning my head slightly to the direction where I sense his presence. I hear a chuckle coming next to me.

"As always... you'd be able to sense me even before I let out a sound. You never cease to amaze me, Y/N-San" he said. I let out a giggle at his comment. I feel him taking a seat next to me. "How many flowers did you manage to sell today?" He asked.

"Not much..." I said, sadly. I grab one of the bouquet and sniff the sweet scent. "I wonder how many more of these I should sell until I have enough money to get my surgery" I said.

Akaza P.O.V

I can see the sadness reflecting in her milky e/c eyes. It must be her dream to be able to see the world. She let out a sigh as she lowers her head. I notice something glistening running down her cheeks. I lift my hand, gently moving her hair away from her face. My eyes soften when I see that she's crying. I cup her cheek and gently wipe her tears. I feel her leaning into my touch.

"I'm sure you'll find a way, Y/N. You're such a strong girl" I said. A faint smile appeared on her face. I move closer to her. I place my hand on the side of her head, gently pulling her closer to me. She rest her head on my shoulder. I run my hand through her soft h/c hair.

Being this close to her somehow brought warmth in my heart. I know why I feel this way. I know what I feel. I've fallen in love with Y/N. But will she love someone like me... a demon.

But if being able to see is what she truly wish for. Then I will do whatever it'll take to be able to help her be able to see. I'll help her gather enough money for her surgery so she'd finally be able to see the world around her.

"Hey, Y/N-San... it's starting to get late. I'll walk you home, okay?" I said. I didn't her respond. Instead, I hear a soft snore. I let out a sigh. I think I should just carry her instead. I gently lower her down to lay on the ground. I need to gather up her flowers.

I place the handle of the basket between my teeth. I place Y/N on my back. I carefully stand up, making sure she wouldn't slip off my back. I slowly starts to walk, being extra careful not to drop the girl from my back. The last thing I want is to see her hurt, especially if it's caused by me. I will make sure she will always be okay. I won't let anyone or anything hurt her.

Soon, I reach her house. I gently lay Y/N down on the wooden chair near the door. I place the flower basket near the chair. I turn to the door and give it a knock. I jump away, landing on a tree. I watch as Y/N's parents get out of the house, instantly taking notice of her. A soft smile starts to form on my lips.

I hear rustling sound and turn my head, spotting a demon. I growl angrily and jumps at it. I grab it by the neck, taking it away from the house with me. One I'm far from the house, I slam the demon down.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know this was your turf!" He said, frantically. I lower my head down, grabbing his head with mine. "Please spare me! I won't ever come here again!" He pleaded.

"This isn't my turf. But I still wouldn't let anyone come near it" I said. He stares at me with a confused look. I turn my gaze towards the house that's still faintly visible from where we are. "The girl living in that house is Y/N. She's a human but she's mine. I won't let any demon put her in harms way. Especially not a lowlife demon like you" I said. I stand straight and tighten my grip on his head, crushing his skull. I wave my hand to get rid of the blood. I turn my head to look at Y/N's house. Don't you worry, Y/N.

I will keep you safe

*to be continued*

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