A Meaningless Death

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Ah! My apologies I didn't see you there! I've made a grave mistake. It appears that I had forgotten to tell a rather important story. Please, do get some rest. This will be a rather long story with little in ways of respite. Let me tell you the Tale of "A Meaningless Death"

There once was a boy that lived on an island. His mother was kind and caring, his father big and strong, and his sister was the most wonderfullest girl of them all. He didn't care that his hair was as white as snow and theirs as black as coal. Neither did they. They lived the life of a big happy family. The boy and the girl would go on many adventures together on their small island. Often getting into all kinds of mischief as any child would. Yes life was quite happy for the children up until their mother fell ill.

The boy and the girl wanted nothing more than to save her, a sentiment shared with the father. However unlike the other two the boy had an idea. Their father had forbid the two from entering the forest for beasts as dark as shadows roamed those lands but to the boy it meant there must be some form of treasure that could save their mother hidden within. When he went to tell his father this the man was already long gone. He had left the island in search of a cure and left the boy's sister in charge of the two.

So he told his sister but she denied it. He was adamant however and kept pushing the idea till she reluctantly gave in. The two ventured into the forest in search of a treasure that doesn't exist. The boy in blind hopes of saving his mother. The girl in an attempt to placate the boy ventured into the woods with him. She soon returned in tears with the boy nowhere in site. She didn't know what happened but she knew she failed him.

When their father returned she told him of what happened. How he just wanted to save their mother. How while they were looking around he had found a set of ruins. How while they were exploring a beast of black and white fell upon them. How the boy in a bid to save his sister shoved the beast down a cliffside only for it snatch his leg up in its maw and drag him down. How he called out for her to come to his rescue but she was so overcome with fear she could only run. How she heard him beg her to come back before his screams fell silent.

Without a word the father organized a search party. He was no fool, he was expecting the worst, but he held hope for his son. The daughter had lead them to the ruins they had found. She lead them to the cliffside that the boy had fell down. And she was with them as they all stared down the cliff below to see not a single sign of life nor a beast and the boy's remains. The girl was forever haunted by this and vowed to herself to never run again. To stand and fight. So she grew up to do just that. Only to break her promise and run once more when confronted with a situation without an easy answer.

As for the boy, he had most certainly been lost. Though not in the sense one would consider dead. In fact death to him had become a meaningless word. He found himself in a time where noble warriors and demon alike roam the land, trained by an owl to fight like a wolf, and found himself protecting a child that had granted him the ability to resurrect upon death. With this meaningless death he pushed forward and completed his task. Only to awaken as a young boy once more. The cycle continued over and over again with the wolf doing everything in his power to break free till he finally did.

Only to wind up in a new hell with new rules and new tortures. This happened several times as the Wolf would grow and earn new titles to go by. As the Chosen Undead he burnt to a cinder before choosing to leave the world to its fate. As the Bearer of the curse he was entombed upon a thrown till once more he left the world to its fate. As the Ashen one he had quit trying to play the hero and though he still was burnt to a cinder it wasn't out of good will but a need to see every option, he wanted an escape and that only came when he put a permanent end to the era. As the Tarnished he had finally gone mad, only after a long period of time did he return to his senses and bring about a new age for the land. As the Good Hunter he fought many beasts but at this point he was truly sick of it so at the behest of another his body was freed of the weight of his head.

He was expecting to wake up in the clinic he had first awoken in when he came to the city but to his shock his eyes had opened to a shattered moon. The nightmare that the Boy, the Wolf, the Chosen Undead, the Bearer of the Curse, the Ashen One, the Tarnished, and the Good Hunter had finally come to an end. He found himself in a land where death was no longer meaningless.

Author's Note: Heya! This is just a small thing cause I really enjoyed what I did for "Spirit Of A Hunter" and its first chapter so I thought I'd throw this out here for y'all to read while in the waits for the next chapter.

To those of you who are seeing this book for the first time, Hi! This is an addition I felt like tacking on at the front.

Anyways not much to say here, have a good one y'all!

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