[V1E1]Beacon Beckons

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The young man sat in the air ship as he mulled over last week's events in his mind. One second he realized he was finally home and the next he had struck a deal with the Headmaster of some Beacon Academy....

One Week Prior

The young man held the burial blade out in front of himself as he looked it over. 'Hope you're well Old Hunter. Thank you for everything...'  He thought as he remembered when he took Gehrman's place shortly before he woke up in the clinic again. Life sure was cruel with its jokes. He couldn't even relieve the Old Man from his duty for longer than a moment. He shook his head, shooing away the memories, as he stood to his full height and attached the blade to the back of his coat and belt. He could reform it any time but it felt right to keep a weapon on his person. With a yawn he stepped out from the alleyway and immediately spotted a place that caught his attention. 'From Dust Till Dawn?'  He thought about the name and what looked to be a variety of crystals and the titular dust stocked up and on display. With peaked interest he crossed the street and entered the building.

An old, balding, man greeted him with a smile. He returned the greeting with a wave as he walked past the man and over to the display racks. He'd secretly store the stuff in his shadow. He took a little bit of everything before a magazine caught his eye. He picked it up and mentally noted the name Weapons Magazine, as he opened it and began to read about the variety of weapons that were in it. Along with the dust and then at the very end, the little interview with the heiress of the biggest dust company. Not even a minute passed between picking it up and finishing it as he began to ponder. 'So weapons here are like trick weapons and dust like the variety of papers and rags I use to imbue equipment with elements... it'll be a lot easier to keep a low profile than I thought.'  He chuckled to himself as he put down the magazine and waved goodbye to the store clerk.

As he left, he bumped into yet another person. She was incredibly small compared to him and found herself fallen to the floor. He rolled his eyes before he held out his hand to the young lady. "Apologies Miss, I didn't see you there." Silver met silver as the girl looked up and locked eyes with him. A light blush formed on her face before it deepened and she quickly got up without his help.

"No no I'm sorry. I didn't pay attention to where I was going andkindaendeduprunningabittoofast.Soreallyitsmyfaultnotyourssoyoudon'thavetoapologiesmister." She rattled off her own apology as the young man backed up a slight bit with a chuckle. Said chuckle caught her ears and she froze in her tracks. The embarrassed blush growing worse.

"Its quite alright miss. We both should pay attention more," His tone slowly dulled as he returned to his emotionless voice. Though it was lighter than before. 'No need to make enemies or come off as too rude,'  He thought. That's when he spotted the red and black block attached to the back of her outfit... just like his. Come to think of it, she had an outfit that seemed prepared for combat. Combat skirt and all. "Say, are you a Huntress?" He asked curiously as to change the conversation and maybe get a bit more information from the world.

Apparently this did the trick as her eyes sparkled. She entered the building, he followed, and began to talk about it. "Ha, I wish. I'm fifteen, still two years to early to even go to Beacon. Unlike my Sister. Though I plan to be one. Even created my very own baby for it." She motioned towards the folded up thing attached to the back of her outfit. "I named her Crescent Rose. How about you?"

"I..." He paused as he thought about what he should say. This pause didn't go unnoticed but seeing as they just met, the young lady kept to herself. "A dear friend gave me my weapons." He pulls out an antique pistol with an ornate design and the blade half of the scythe. "Meet Evelyn and the Burial Blade." A smirk grows across his face before it disappears and he holsters the weapons. "As for becoming a hunter... I've no interest in that."

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