A Heavyweight Honeymoon

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Under a clear blue sky, a rusted out car sped down the highway, creating an awful noise with its sputtering engine and the metal cans tied to the bumper. Through the back window obscured by JUST MARRIED written in red paint, could be seen the driver named Charlene. Charlene was a woman, whose bright red, curly hair, was a sign of her energetic personality, that was contained within her small body. A loose, light blue, sweatshirt, covered up her torso, the left half hanging down on her arm, showing the white top underneath.  A designer pair of jeans, clung to her tiny bottom, it was one of the gifts she had received only a few days beforehand, to celebrate her marriage with her passenger.

    Macy, the buxom, dark skinned, beauty was quietly, sitting in the passenger seat watching the scenery fly by. Her outward appearance of her perky, C-cup breasts and well-rounded bottom wrapped in a white blouse and black skirt, betrayed her true nature. Macy had resigned herself to living a quiet life, trying to stay unnoticed and very, rarely joining in conversations. However, Charlene had a talent for bringing her inner mischievous side out, the shy girl crediting this to the reason she had said “I do” and driven out of her home town.

    “I think I see something up ahead,” Macy said, pointing towards the encroaching billboard.

    “Thicketon, home of the Fast Food Gauntlet,” Charlene read aloud. “Doesn’t exactly, strike me as a lovers’ sanctuary.”

    “True, but I don’t think we can last much longer,” Macy said, over the sound of their engine popping as it tried to stay together.

    “Point taken.”

    Gingerly, easing the struggling car into the turn, Charlene drove into the small town, relieved to see the trees gradually, taken over by brick and mortar structures.  Fortunately, the first building they passed by was a gas station, that doubled as a welcoming center for the town. A large sign in red above the station held the name of the town above, a colorful banner underneath boasting the same slogan they saw on the way in. In addition to the cars lined up next to the gas pumps, the drive thru lane was packed bumper to bumper, with the town’s citizens eager to indulge themselves in the fried chicken advertised the by the signs plastered across the store windows.

    Pulling up to an open pump, Charlene and Macy stepped out of the car and stretched their legs. Opening up their wallets, they very carefully, calculated how much further they could go with the little amount of cash they had left. Hoping the cashier wouldn’t get too angry accepting so many pennies, the two of them headed inside.

    Opening up the front door bombarded the couple with the smell of freshly, fried chicken, immediately, reminding them they hadn’t eaten since the day before. Most of the tables and chairs were taken up by customers, each one weighing no less than 300 pounds. They were greedily, digging into their meals, some stripping entire chicken legs clear in a single bite, while others, took a more controlled approach, only indulging the greasy meat once it was properly, smothered in mashed potatoes and gravy. As obese as they were, the people seemed to have no shame in showing off there fat, with tight clothing that pressed up against their flab or open shirts that freely let their bellies hang out.

    Standing at the counter, was a man in a cowboy hat and a curly, brown mustache, looking like his obese body was stuffed into his shorts and button down, khaki shirt. “Howdy there, welcome to Thicketon,” he said, tipping his hat to them. “The name’s Clyde, how may I help you today?”

    “Hello,” Charlene responded, walking up to the counter with Macey close behind. “Can you put...” she paused, counting out the dollars and coins in her hand, “…$7.36 on pump number three?”

    “Sure thing little lady,” Clyde replied, accepting the money and putting it in the register. “So what brings you to our humble town?”

    “We’re on our honeymoon,” Macy was happy to answer.

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