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Dinner was unusually silent, though it was probably from the lack of teasing. Takumi sat patiently, waiting for Leo to scoop another bite for him to eat, hands slowly rubbing at his belly. By the next plate they would switch and he would take his turn feeding Leo, but for now Takumi was the one being spoiled.

That's how this started out, after all. Takumi winning a bet, Leo having to cook an entire meal for him, then slowly it devolved into something more sensual. A discovery for both of them, first just thinking it was another type of doting they both liked, but as Takumi found more excuses to make bigger meals and the numbers between them grew, the activity grew into a featured night to share.

“Last bite,” Leo hummed, chubby cheeks glowing red as he held the spoon out for Takumi. Slowly Takumi took the bite, humming as he finished his portion of the meal and leaned back in his seat.

“You make some damn good potatoes,” Takumi said with a sigh, closing his eyes to rub along his tummy, “maybes it’s all the butter.”

“That and the milk. Makes them extra fluffy,” Leo shifted in his seat, pushing Takumi’s dish away before sitting up a little straighter, “don’t fall asleep on me, it’s my turn.”

“Spoiled brat,” Takumi muttered under his breath, getting up to grab food off the stove for Leo. His belly was pleasantly full, enough to keep it from whining well into the night, but he had half a mind to sneak a few more bites while feeding Leo. The blond usually had his eyes closed anyway.

“Get some extra too,” Leo called, “I know you’re going to steal some off my plate.”


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