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“Your elbow is sticking into my stomach,” Leo muttered, shifting away from Takumi. They were curled on the couch, a small fire crackling in their miniature fireplace. It wasn’t enough to really do much beside set some mood lighting and roast a few s’mores, but Takumi had whined and whined until they finally bought some wood at the store.

“Don’t have such a big belly then,” Takumi said, immediately following after Leo and his warmth, “It’s not my fault you’re sensitive.”

“I’m not sensitive, you’re boney,” Leo relented, allowing Takumi to wrap his arms around him once more and cuddle close. While the summer had always been a dreadful season for Leo, it had only become worse after gaining all this weight. A college diet was not to be underestimated, that was for sure, but he had to say- in the face of a cold winter like this, Leo was thankful for the extra layers.
As was Takumi.

“Maybe so,” Takumi pressed his face into Leo’s soft arm, his own wrapped around his waist and anchoring him like a leech, “but you’re so soft . How can I help cuddling you like this? You know I get cold easy.”

“Maybe you should put on some weight then,” Leo hummed, untangling himself so he could wrap his arm around Takumi and pull him closer, “give me something to cuddle back in to. It only seems fair.”

“Yeah well I’d have to work at it,” Takumi pressed against Leo, breathing him in, “I was cursed with this stellar metabolism and the need to run every time I get pissed off. You were just born lazy.”

“It’s perfectly acceptable to be lazy if I’m going to be smart,” Leo countered, poking at Takumi’s cheek, “don’t be rude. Haven’t we talked about this?”

“You’re one to talk,” Takumi muttered, set on ignoring his boyfriend in favor of shoving his face into the side of his chest. Takumi curled his legs up, now completely tucked against Leo, and closed his eyes.

“How comfy-”

“See, being rude again,” Leo hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to Takumi’s hair before settling against him, “you’re not supposed to point out how fat your boyfriend is. It ruins the mood.” With the gentle crackling of the fire and their hushed tones, there definitely was a cozy mood to be set. As they sat in silence, simply breathing in each other’s presence, Leo found himself happy in this moment. Something gentle and mundane- something good to remember.

“I have to pee-” Takumi stated, pushing away from Leo.

“Son of a bitch, we just got comfortable again!”

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