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You have reached the last chapter of this fanfiction. I would first like to thank all those who have been there since the beginning, all those who have cheered me with likes and comments, all those who took the time to read my chapters sometimes very awkwardly written. I am proud of the work I have been able to provide over the past three years, although many inconsistencies can be seen towards the end (the lack of inspiration made me distance myself from my work for a while). But still, thank you all for pushing me to where I am today.

This chapter will be the longest I have ever written, more than 9,900 words, but I felt that this ending was worth several explanations.

You are free to comment on what you liked or not, and I will be happy to answer it.

In addition, at the end of the chapter, a few paragraphs of explanations will be added to understand a little more the end of the story.

Happy reading to y'all!

. . .

Just a few days later...


The doors of the Palace shattered into pieces, and hundreds of ghouls stormed through them, engaging in battle with the soldiers. It wasn't a surprise attack, as they must have traveled through the Empire's roads to reach the Imperial Palace. But even though the soldiers were prepared, the ghouls were heavily armed and wasted no time in attacking and slaughtering. And their numbers only continued to grow, more and more.

Just before all this happened, Felix had decided to stay close to the Emperor to protect him since he was no longer capable of doing so. Carsein, on the other hand, couldn't be near Athanasia and had to be on the front lines to prevent as many ghouls as possible from reaching her.

From one of the windows of the grand ballroom, Athanasia watched the battle unfold before her eyes, clenching her fist. She couldn't be on the front lines when Anastacius arrived. Moreover, Lucas had expressly forbidden her from using her magic to purify the ghouls because it wouldn't work anyway. The area to be purified was too vast to get them all; it would be pointless. So they had to find another solution, and quickly if they didn't want things to end badly. She needed to conserve her energy for Anastacius. So she waited.

Except, Anastacius didn't arrive.

The battle raged on, but the troops were beginning to tire. If only Anastacius had shown up earlier, Athanasia would have had the strength to at least incapacitate him from summoning more ghouls. But he wasn't there, and even after cutting down ghoul after ghoul, nothing changed. Time dragged on, and Athanasia herself grew weary. Lucas also felt his powers dwindling, so he resorted to using a sword, something Athanasia never thought she would see him do.

After hours of battle, as the sun began its descent, it was the moment Anastacius chose to arrive. A loud explosion rang out, and in an instant, a part of the Garnett Palace collapsed. That was when she realized he was already there. Her first instinct was to go to the source of the noise, to the room where she had been earlier in the day, the ballroom, closely followed by Lucas, who frowned as they approached the target. For a moment, he thought he was dreaming because despite his current weak power, he could clearly discern the power behind those doors. And it was his.

"Athanasia. We are in deep, deep shit," he said before opening the large doors.

"In what now?" Athanasia knew that when Lucas cursed, it was only for two reasons: either he was annoyed, or in very rare cases, he was panicked. And there, he seemed to be both. When the doors opened, the smoke initially prevented them from properly discerning the two individuals in the middle of the room. Athanasia knew the second person had to be the one the mysterious man had spoken of, the one aiding Anastacius. She could also feel the immense power emanating from the individual she didn't recognize.

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