Chapter 39 - The War Shall Begin

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"Put the carriage over here. And call Commander Rustichel, tell him I need to discuss with him about the troop deployment." Carsein commanded a soldier who hastened to leave to answer his request. He and Felix were finalizing the preparations and everything had to be controlled to the millimeter. That was the number of soldiers in each battalion to food reserves, without counting horses, carriages and strategies. It was clearly not time to rest. Moreover, since the former commander Rustichel had died, it was his son, Lucius, who took command of his troops. Although too young despite being 22, he had so far shown no flaws in his command.

The neighboring empires of Obelia were all aware of the emergency situation, and each was trying to take steps against this more than perilous situation, although useless for a being such as Anastacius. And in the Castina Empire, the panic was not only felt by the Imperial Family, but also by the princess and Emperor's aunt, Ernia Shana De Rass, who also happened to be Carsein's mother.

"Mother..." Carsein's older brother, Kaysian, looked at his mother with concern. Sitting on one of the sofas in the large living room, Ernia looked out the window without saying a word. Her eyes expressed no emotion, and she remained motionless for a moment, so that she did not hear her husband coming. Arkint understood directly the problem that troubled his wife when he saw what she was holding in hand. A letter, it seemed, carrying the seal of Obelia. It had been sent by none other than their own younger son. Without looking at Arkint, Ernia put the letter on the table beside him before looking out the window again. Arkint and Kaysian took it at the same time and began to read.

Mother, Father, Kaysian,

As you know, Obelia was attacked and entered the war. Preparations are expected to be tumultuous, and I am sure that what we are about to experience may be such a rare and dangerous event that we will no longer have the opportunity to send each other letters as often as now.

I apologize for taking so long to write to you, I think I am still shocked by what happened to Aristia and my morale has certainly taken a hit. Furthermore, I have read your letter, Mother.

Nevertheless, I am forced to refuse your request. I will not return to the Castina Empire.

I truly love you, and I understand that we must be a cohesive family, even in the worst situations. But first I'd like to tell you who I am. Before being a simple chess piece, I am above all your son, a knight recognized by the two Empires and the personal royal guard of the Crown Princess of Obelia.

Princess Athanasia is a good person, she gives me joy, emotions that I could only feel in the presence of Aristia. She makes me happy. And it was to her that I decided to dedicate my life 4 years ago, something I absolutely do not regret. As my parents, you are supposed to believe in me and encourage me to always go further, something you did not express in the letter you sent me.

I understand your concern for me and I am more than grateful. However, I also want you to understand that if I were to lose my life during this war, I would be more than delighted. I'm a knight, a soldier. I gave up the idea of dying in a warm bed from the moment I first touched a sword.

I am ready to face death, and my decisions. And what I would love more than anything is your support. I want you to really see me as the person I am, and that you can encourage me. This could very well be the last letter I send you, so I ask you, as your son, your brother, and a member of the House De Rass, not to let all this encroach on our family ties, and to support me.

With my sincere greetings,

Carsein De Rass.

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