Chapter 34 - Failure

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Heya, it's me again. New update here! Sorry to take so long for one chapter, but if you've read the others chapters, you now know why! Still, I'm not dead and I def didn't abandon the story! The next chapters minght not be thiiiis happy tho... Anyway, love y'all!

One day. It took a day for Obelia's army to reach the last point of contact between the Empire and the delegation. Unfortunately, what they found there was the most terrifying thing some had ever seen in their lives.

"General! What should we do?"

Athanasia struggled to think. What lay before her worried her far more than she had expected. An army of ghouls, of undead, were roaming these woods. Their skins were in a rapid state of decomposition, so that their bones were exposed. Grunts came from their mouths, like threats. For many, the holes where the eyes used to be, were empty. They were nothing more than monsters and everyone understood this. It was too late to save them, they were already dead. Faced with this spectacle, she could not say another word until she got a closer look at them. The uniform they were wearing was that of the Castina Empire.

Breathless, Athanasia cried out. "We have no choice, we'll have to attack them head on!"

"But they might regenerate!"

"I know." She pulled on the reins of her horse. "That's why I'm asking you to be careful. If you had watched more carefully, you would have noticed the black magic leaking from their bodies."

Calliope's father stepped forward. "Are they being controlled by someone?"

But the princess shook her head. "Perhaps, but surely someone has killed most of these ghouls. Our goal is not to fight them." She turned her head toward the troops. "Look for survivors and try not to get off your horses!"

No sooner had she finished her sentence that she dashed into the horde of undead and began to fight her way through them, slicing heads off as she went. Carsein followed her closely, covering her back and watching every move around him. His heart was pounding in his chest and the panic he wanted to hide was apparent on his face. He was afraid. He was afraid because he couldn't find what he was looking for. Who he was looking for.

'Aristia... Where are you...?'

The other experienced soldiers made their way through the horde of monsters. Athanasia looked at them for a brief moment before her ears intercepted other noises. More fighting could be heard a little further away. The princess lifted her arm and signaled loudly. "Follow me! Survivors should be here!"

The sounds of colliding swords grew louder as they advanced. Suddenly, Carsein stepped in front of Athanasia and shouted. "Aristia!" And then, at full speed, the young royal guard sliced the heads off two ghouls about to attack the regent.

Athanasia also moved closer, reassured to find her friend safe and sound. Nevertheless, neither of them had time to engage in a discussion. With a quick nod of the head, both acknowledged the other's presence. Around them, other soldiers seemed to be able to fight, but not all had been affected yet.

The teams began to assist the others while protecting themselves from the ghouls. Carsein dismounted his horse and supported his friend, more tired than ever. "Tia? Are you hurt...?"

But the silver-haired girl shook her head. Her panicked expression did not reassure the Princess. "What's wrong? We must move quickly in order to-"

"Their black magic..." Athanasia's eyes widened. "The black magic that emanates from their bodies! That's what's transforming them!" Aristia then shoved Carsein violently and backed away from them. The redhead then became more worried while his friend refused his presence near her. Athanasia understood at once the information and shouted.

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