Short Hiatus

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Hey people! As you can see, I've been out of Wattpad for quite some time now. I'm announcing that I'm going to go on a little hiatus for a week or two, I don't know yet. As I said before, I live in France and high school just started. I just got my schedule which is just... My god...

Monday: 9am-5pm

Tuesday: 8am-6pm

Wednesday: 9am-6pm

Thursday: 10am-6pm

Friday: 8am-2pm

And it's totally normal here. I'm totally living in my school! But hey, I need time to be able to adjust to all this and be able to write normally again. Thanks for waiting a little longer!


Same World, Same Princess, Different Path [WMMAP]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ