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I watch as Ethan and Daphne walk into Daphne and I's shared dorm. It's the first I've seen of them since she made a post that they were official. "I'm kind of upset that I had to find out through Instagram that you guys were official." Daphne scoffs at my statement.

"Please. He just asked me last night. And I had to find out through instagram that you and Luke were talking. How is that any different?" Daphne states with certainty.

"Luke and I aren't talking." I mutter putting my head down.

"You aren't?" Ethan asks surprised.

"Well, I don't know what we are. I think we're just friends, but I don't know what he wants." I tell them truthfully. I have no clue what me and luke are. And it's so much pressure. But I see him later today because we have to continue to work on our project. Today I'm interviewing him some more, and maybe we can talk about what me and him are. I really need an answer from him. I have no clue if we are just friends, or if we are talking, or if we are friends with benefits. And if anyone asked me what we were I don't know what I would tell them. I have no clue what Luke would tell them.

When I arrive at the local campus coffee shop, Luke is already there in a booth. "Hey." I smile sitting across from him.

"Hi." He smiles back fixing his posture as soon as he notices me. "Ready to get to work?"

"Never. But food motivates me." I joke, hinting that I'm hungry.

"Right. We should eat first."

"That would be great." I tell him sarcastically as if I didn't just mention it.

He calls over a waitress which she quickly comes over when she spots him. She sends me a glare but is quick to smile at Luke. "What can I get you?" She asks him, completely disregarding me, and rubbing her hand up and down his shoulder.

He shrugs her off. "I'm still deciding. But I think she is ready." He smiles at me as he grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over it.

"Can I just get a bagel please? With a coffee."

She hums a yes and returns all of her focus back on Luke. "So, what can I get you." She smiles wide and laughs putting her hand back on his shoulder.

"Same thing as her." He states quickly shutting his menu and handing it to her. Now he is disregarding her. He hasn't even bothered to look at her, he is only looking at me.

I hadn't even realized he was still holding my hand. My breath hitches and I pull away trying to stay focused on the task at hand. "So I'm going to interview you some more today. So cool with you?" He nods and we get straight to work. "Okay so, what made you want to choose sports management as your major?"

"I've really just connected with my family through sports, and my dream is to get drafted out of college, so I possibly won't even need a degree." He chuckles. "My mom and dad were both really big hockey stars and I just want to make them proud. And if I don't make it into the league I think doing something surrounding sports would make them proud."

Luke and I talked for hours. It felt like I only interviewed him for 10 minutes and the rest of the time we were just free talking. Which is probably what happened, but still. I had a really great time talking to him. The food was amazing and he even took me home after. He was shocked to hear that I had walked there. I just shrugged and laughed. But after today I was even more confused of what we are. We had such a great time, but I don't think he saw it in that kind of way. I feel like he saw it as more of just friends instead of like a relationship. I feel like he doesn't want one, like he's too focused on making it to the league that he has no time for girls. Which is probably true.

"I had a great time. We can both write our essay parts, but if you ever want to study just let me know." He tells me once I open the door to my dorm room.

"Of course. It was nice chatting. I would definitely be up to a study session." I laughed.

"I'll see you soon?" He asked.

"No doubt about it." I winked at him.

He just shook his head laughing and turned back around to go back to his car. What have I gotten myself into? He was so much fun to talk to and I hate that I enjoyed it so much. I should not be enjoying it this much. Yet I did. I felt like a fool. I was getting sucked in just to be spat out in a matter of seconds. I'm still unsure what I am getting sucked into but it feels like I'm getting sucked into my death. Or doom for the most part. Who even knows anymore. Cause I sure don't. I have no clue at all.

Hockey season was starting soon which means I wasn't going to see him as much, which means projects were about to be really hard. But I'm sure our professor would take it easy on us since he knows Luke's schedule. He may even get us off entirely. That's what I hope at least.

The whole Luke and I are possibly talking thing can go completely down the drain. I saw him talking with some chick outside the library and the same exact girl was with him at the coffee shop we just went to. No, I am not a stalker. I just happen to be at the right spot at the wrong time apparently. It could be for school but I highly doubt it, the girl was gorgeous. Luke would be insane not to try and take a chance with her.

If Luke and I weren't talking then I was waiting around for nothing to happen. So, that means I can talk to other guys, right?

Today was Saturday so we had no classes and there was a football game today. This would be my first Michigan football game and I feel like I just have to go. It's against Maryland so I feel like we should win, but who knows. Football can be crazy.

Daphne and I got all dressed up, making sure to wear our cute Michigan gear. We headed straight for the parking lot that is outside of the stadium because that is where everyone else will be. She told Ethan she would meet him there and I just know Luke is going to be with him. After seeing him with that girl I don't know if I can face him. So, my goal today is to ditch Ethan and Daphne's love fest and find a cute guy to start talking to.

"Please just wait with me until Ethan gets here. I don't want to be alone." Daphne pleads to me as she looks around for Ethan like a lost puppy dog.

"Of course I will. But as soon as I see Luke I'm dipping. I can't bear to see him."

"I know. And if you would just let me talk to him I could-" I cut her off almost instantly. She wanted to try and spill all of my deep intrusive thoughts to Luke for the potential of hearing all of the same things back. I was not going to risk it.

"You're insane, I hope you know. That will not be happening. Ever." I state. She nods with a sad joking look on her face, but her face lifts to a smile as she looks behind me and makes eye contact with someone. I turn to see Ethan walking towards us with a happy grin on his face. I let out a sigh of relief when I don't see Luke trotting next to him. But my tiny smile suddenly turns into a deep frown when I look past Ethan and see Luke and that girl talking and walking towards us.

"I hate my life." I growl. "Welp. See you later Daphne. Maybe I'll sit with you at the game, but I am not staying here. Love ya." I quickly turn the other way and look for the nearest group of guys to strike a conversation with. I need something, someone, to get my mind off of Luke. He's all I can think about. And I truly deeply hate it. With every fiber in my being I hate it. Why did he choose her over me? Does she have something that I don't? What did I do wrong?

Hope yall enjoyed! So sorry it took so long but my schedule is getting busy so posts and updates will take longer. Love you all! Xoxo gossip girl😘

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