Chapter 6

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Back in the New World prior to the hunters arrival to Japan they had been on the look out for Izuku, Eri and Eden as they have being missing for a long time which had everyone in Astera worried since they had just gotten their Sapphire Star

As the last Local they knew where Izuku went was the Ancient Forrest with Eri to likely teach her a few things as they have being coming though the forrest as while its a nearly impossible their is a small chance a predator has found them and gotten the better of them

Which is why they find it impossible as the worst predator in this forret is a Rathalos outside of the occasional Deviljo and since Izuku has killed Elder Dragons. 4 back to back and lived meant that a mere Rathalos or a Deviljo wouldn't get the best of him

As Alexander is leading the search as he knows Izuku the best having being on more hunts with him then the others as Kaina would act as distant support with her Heavy Wyvern Snipe Bowgun to help spot any possible monsters coming their way

Destrovious was acting as the flank guard cause he was the strongest in the group 2nd only to Izuku as Midoryia is the strongest hunter in their group with Alexander coming close to challenging Destrovious power cause of his speed and experience

As for Orion he was helping find clues with Alexander on where Izuku could have gone as him going rouge is impossible as they knew him well enough to not go rouge especially now

But as they kept going their scout flies which are tracking the 3 missing Wyverains kept taking them down a path they have never seen before though insanely thick roots

Orion-'Do you think he got trapped or somthing when finding this place?'

Alexander-'That makes no sense why bring Eri and Eden here with him as he would have returned to Astera to report his findings he wouldn't bring those 2 in unknown territory like this plus'

As he would sniff the air as did the other Hunters as they had notice the scent of alot of other Wyverains and not just any Wyverains Pure Bloods but their was somthing wrong with their scent as their is this dark phenomenon with it

But as they got deeper they would come across the entrance of an old temple that was covered in so much nature you could easily mistake it as a cave or miss it being a temple entirely

Orion-'A temple'


Alexander-'I dont like it eaither but if by chance Izuku was kidnapped by his own kind then we need to get them out'

As the Hunters gathered together and would enter the temple being cautious of where they stepped since this place likely had boobytraps or none friendly Pure Bloods

As they got deeper into the temple it was quickly becoming apparent they were not alone as figures moved and stalked in the shadows obversing them perhapes even leading them somewhere

As they had also notice lots of symbols and ancient runes all over this old temple as they continued going deeper until they would arrive into a large open room of the temple and sitting in the middle of a stone chair

Was Izumi as behind her is a glowing vortex that was exspanding in size really slowly as she would grin at the 4 hunters as if she was exspecting them

Izumi-'So my brothers little lackys have arrived finally and here i was begining to wonder if you actually cared infact i was going to go into your silly little settlement and declare for a band of hunters to come to the temple'

Alexander-'Brother? So you must be Izuku's sister then well tell us where is here!'

Izumi would just smirk as she eould point behind her at the swirling vortex

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