Chapter 5

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The next day would come as the Hunters eyes would open as his slitted pupils adjusted to the darkness of his room appearing to glow which allowed him to see in the dark as he would look around his environment and comes to quickly realise that he was still in his make shape trash cave shelter

Izuku-'So yesterday wasn't a dream i am really in this unknown world with Eden and Eri both still missing'

As he would get up with a stretched as he would grab his weapons and once equipped he would leave his nake shift scrap cave as he made sure to seal the hole so no predators or anyone curious/stupid would go inside of

As today he has got some exploring to do along with study this continent of all that he can but first he would do his morning activities that he had neglected since the party as he would draw out his Long Sword and a Whetstone

Where he would run it along his blade making sure to keep it sharp as their was 1 hunter who has become a legend for defending their village against so many great odds without once sharpening their weapon which is really impractical but impressive none the less

Once the Long Sword was nice and sharp he would sheath it away before repeating the process with his Katana and would sheath it once it was sharp as he would then go to his slinger going over maintenance of the grapple hook and Clutch Claw

As he would pull back the metallic bone claws of the clutch claw and seeing it was working would reset it back in place before standing up as he would look towards the large city as he has only ever been inside of 1 city and it was never this big

But he couldn't get far as he would hear something big and loud from above him as the hunter would look up and saw somthing gliding across the sky whatever it was this thing was big and very loud as it looked like a huge monster

And it looked like it was heading somewhere in the city and well the hunter didnt need any instructions as he quickly starts to give chase of this large metal monster that was constantly roaring

As Izuku would continue to run more and more at full speed as he runs though the city even vaulting over nearby metal wagons and using his grappleshot to have him fling over a few buildings as he ran across the rooftops

Even leaping across 10 feet wide jumps into a roll before continuing to run after this metal monster as he kept on running after it at 1 point he saw parts of this creatures under belly start to open up and 3 metalic legs with black circular feet would extend out as the metal beast was getting lower but faster

And so did the hunter as he was picking up the pace until he would reach a hill point where a giant fence was blocking off a massive open path feild as he watched as the metal beast was coming down to a stop along this large stretch of path

But that wasnt the only thing he saw as he would spot over a dozen of these metal beasts all stationary except for 1 that was running diwn the stretch of path with its rings unmoving as the beast was roaring as it took off into the sky as the hunter watches it fly away before turning back to what appears to be the metal beasts nest

As he would take out a pair of binoculars and would look though them to get a better sight of the nesting grounds as the giant metal beasts are lined up next to each other bit he is what he found odd the beasts had windows running along its side and where its eyes should be

What was this thing he was looking at as this thing was far bigger then a airship or a wagon so was this thing a flying building? He wasnt sure speaking of a building infront of the metal beasts is a huge building that stretched across almost as long as the giant empty feild and around the edges of the feild are more buildings

A couple holding more of those flying building beasts which somthing was confusing the hunter well countless things are but mainly why was this beast so loud was it trying to gain the attention of countless monsters? He wasnt sure but this metal thing is likely an apex of the skies if it can cause so much noise

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