Chapter 1

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Aching pain a sensation he is all to familiar with the aching and burning sensation of overusing his muscles, the major fatigue, the actual pain itself all of this was nonthing new and was highly welcomed infact as it always told him 1 thing. He was alive and can hunt again.

As his eyes would open a emerald green with slitted pupils, as on each cheek are freckles that are faded among the scars of battle that litter his cheeks most of which have faded as his freckles are in the shape of a diamond, atop his hair was messy curls of pure white near impossible to tame for any lengthy period of time.

As his clothes it was a cotton wool clothing that did little to cover up anything as outside of his upper chest and shoulders which had the simple colours of white and brown the rest of his torso and arms are exposed showing off a sheer Steel wall of muscle.

Rocking a 10 pack abs that you could grind iron on that has seen its fair share of battles with scars showing slashes, bites, burns and a particular stab scar in the middle of his abs that if you would look on his back would see the same scar showing he had been fully impaled.

Along with having a strong lean but thick biceps that are also scarred while not as heavily scarred as his torso their are a bunch that little across them which comprise of mostly slashed wounds with a burn mark here and their as his hands are rough and corse from the many years of combat with his left ring finger missing.

Onto his back while the upper portion of his back is hidden thanks to the clothing he is wearing his lower back was also scarred heavily with many deep lashes as those made up the majority of his back scars but was simular to his front in scars.

Onto his hips as he is wearing underwear of the same material as his top as it also functioned as shorts thanks to its design and look which was rather comfy as the colour.

Onto his legs as like his arms they are thick with strong muscle but have are towards a more lean build for running as like the rest of his body it is also scarred with same battle wounds of slashes, bites, burns and such but despite the battle wounds his legs hell his whole body was still working just fine like it hadn't been though the rings of hell.

This is Izuku Midoryia a Hunter of the 5th Fleet a group of Explores, Scientists, Researchers, Chefs, Smithes, Traders and Hunters who have been tasked with coming to this newly discovered Continent dubbed as The New World.

Evident by the name 5th Fleet this wasn't the first set of Wyverains to set foot on this land however due to the dangers of The New World the other fleets have eaither been wiped out entirely or are somewhere in the new world their locations are not known or if they are still even around as the only other fleet they managed to make contact with is the 3rd fleet who have established a base somewhere near the Coral Highlands.

Now as for Izuku Midoryia he had just woken up from his recent battle with a brand newly discovered Elder Dragon in the Elders Recess as despite the thing having literally just hatch out its cacoon like egg its power and might proved to rival if not surpass all the currently encountered Elder Dragons that Izuku has hunted but what was more intresting or worring depending on your view point was the beasts frightening intelligence as despite it only be born for less then a minute and was thrusted into combat it was quickly adapting, learning and discovering about its surroundings, its own powers, strengths and also the Hunter as it was learning and adapting much faster then any monster let alone any Elder Dragon has been known to do.

However despite the tough battle Izuku had came out victorious having slain the beast as its power alone before and after its hatching had shown its threat to not only The New World but quiet possibly The Old World as well should it ever have decided to migrate over their as the battle was tough as again despite it been a newborn its hide was tough and hard to cut though, its attacks while wild at first were powerful able to cut though pure bio-energy crystals.

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