Chapter 4

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Izuku's eyes would snape open as he would find himself in a white empty void which confused the hunter as this wasnt the Land In-between where he would be judged by the gods as the Land In-between is much diffrent in legend

As its described as the sky showing off the countless stars and cosmos with the Sapphire Star shining brightly as the centre jewel while beneath the feet of the Wyverain would be a ever exspanding ocean that reflects the comos like a perfect mirror where your feet doesn't touch the water yet it ripples with each step you take and your surroundings a calming sunset or rise with no beginning or end with countless shadow figures of other deceased Wyverains waiting to be judged from their you are judged by the dragon gods before you go to the Elders Hall, Valhalla or the pit of eternal suffering

But since this wasnt that realm but a white void Izuku would look around and the hunter would quickly realise that he was most certainly not alone as their infact many versions of.......himself?

The first version of himself looked like a monster that Destrovious had told him about but in his human form with long dark green hair, black strips in it and blue hints at the tip, dorsal plates in the shape of maple leafs, claws and scales whatever the story of this version of him he had become a new species

The second was him as a tall giant in grey armour that he has never seen before as it looked futuristic as he couldnt see the face thanks to the visor as on the right shoulder is a kukri and the weapons are very unique and future like

The 3rd varient of himself looked alot like the second in terms of armor except that his biceps are exposed and they are big plus the armour is also green and brown in colour along with his double barrel steel sword of vengance and that he was the personification of doom itself

The 4th him looked basically the same as himself with just a diffrent version of his outfit as in it wasnt made out of monster parts but also he got this weird feeling of magic and friendship coming from him and the hunter didnt know how to feel about that

The 5th now this had to be the strongest version of himself to date and the thing is their isnt anything special looking about this incarnation of himself outside of this crystal glowing on his left wrist

The 6th was him with more pale skin, a red 2 peice suit that you would wear during special events are or "elite" class citizens with lots of money as his hair while green had 2 red patches that looked like ears and inbetween them are a pair of antlers as his eyes are green with red slits as he had an impossibly large sharp tooth grin on his face a hellish being

The 7th was a rotten old gold bunny suit with clearly a corpse of what he can only presume is himself trapped inside the amalgamation of metal and wire

While their are clearly a whole hell of a lot more incarnations of himself the hunter wasnt able to get a good enough look at them all as he would find himself starting to wake up from this realm and into the waking world

The sound of crashing waves and the pungent smell of sea salt and seaweed would greet the hunters ears and nose as his hands would flex and curl in the soft yet warm sand immediately while Izuku might not know his full surroundings yet he knew he was somewhere entirely diffrent then that temple

As his eyes would flutter open adjusting to the light as Izuku would stand back up onto his 2 feet as he can feel his long sword on his masters long sword on his back along with his sheathed katana on his hip.....great.... but none the less he looked out into the open ocean which looked diffrent then the coast normally did when he was in Astera but his thinking was immediately broken when he realised that both Eden and Eri are not with him


He would call out to them did the portal separate them somehow or somewhere he wasnt sure but he does know this he just needs to get back to Astera and mount a search party to find them however as he turned around to gather his barings and know his location he would stop as what he saw wasnt the Ancient Forrest, Wild Spire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale hell not even the Elders Recess

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