Chapter 116.

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   When Cami dropped the syringe, I didn't wait another minute to rush forward and hold her tight. She was stiff in my arms at first.

   Then my ears were hit with a racket of sobs as she took my breath away by clinging back onto me. I've never been that great at comforting others, which is why I'm still surprised at myself for running to Camila, so I could only hope the light strokes I laid on her hair were comforting and not in any way 'my precious' or hobbit-like. Her cries merged with a magnitude of 'I'm sorrys' I was sure weren't just for me.

   Camila eventually grew silent, but neither of us moved until she drew back with wide eyes to utter the one word I would've never seen coming.


   I followed her gape to see Dorian still in his initial position. Something had changed though. The concentration he had had was broken due to the sporadic twitches by his face.

   I glanced at Rav, who was looking at the Neuroskel like he was going to yank it off Dorian's head without warning.

"Rav. Rav!" I had to snap my fingers to attract his attention. "Don't worry, it means it's working. He's fine. It'll be over soon."

   It'd better be.

   Why was I even trying to convince him? God knows I didn't even believe what I was saying. Rav didn't seem like he did either, but him not moving was good enough at least. Once his eyes returned to Dorian, mine did same, trying to ignore the anxiety nibbling away at my gut.

   Rather than disappear, that emotion only skyrocketed when Dorian's face twitches morphed into full-on body spasms. Rav didn't acknowledge anyone like before. He marched toward Dorian with an obvious goal. One I wouldn't have stopped him from achieving if Camila hadn't drawn my attention to something very important.

"Rav, wait." I caught his hands right before he made contact with the Neuroskel.

"He's supposed to feel numbness, not pain! Beth, I don't want Dorian getting hurt," He tried to wiggle from my hold.

"Neither do I, but look!" I jerked him to what I'd just seen.

   His mouth dropped open not a second later to release a loud gasp, a reaction that only made sense since what we were witnessing seemed so surreal.

   But it was really happening. Every now and then, one person out of the mind-controlled lot before us would end their trance state by collapsing to the floor.

   Just like Dorian passed out every time his brain successfully fought the multiple mind-control devices placed in him.

   When I saw it occur the first time, I assumed the Zavolonian passed out from exhaustion. But Dorian's sudden state and it happening to that person and others could not be a coincidence.

   His theory was not just that anymore. It was really working!

"He's doing it," Rav whispered beside me after I was done explaining to a bewildered Camila what Dorian's theory and what was being achieved presently. "He's really doing it!"

"And he wouldn't want us to stop him now, would he?" I asked.

"No..." he sighed. "He won't."

   I snuck one last glance at the crowd, in time to see another student go unconscious, then another, before moving back to Dorian. To my surprise and relief, he wasn't shaking or even twitching anymore. He had his meditation-calm face back on.

   Never thought the sound of bodies hitting floors would make me this happy.

   Feeling a sudden weight over my shoulders, I looked to my side to see Rav's arm over me as he smiled down at Dorian too.

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