Chapter 5.

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"Maybe I'm being biased," Aarav looked up from his side on our lunch table. "but Mr. Speck is the best principal ever. I mean, how can one person be good at everything?"

   I had to agree on that. He had, after all, during the first two weeks in office, banned the use of hover chairs in order to facilitate social interactions. I was just glad I didn't have to fix my utterly destroyed one which got to its current state in my attempt to fix it in the first place. Also, now I didn't have to feel like I was being towered over by hundreds of condescending Modoks.

   Modok was this big headed asshole of a super villain in a floating chair 24/7 so I don't think I was wrong in comparing him to literally every other Zavolonian.

"He high fived me and told me I was going to do great in the hallway on Monday!" Minji squealed. "That's what's been keeping me going this week.'

"Everyone's a fan. How could you not be though?" Camila typed her name and ID in the school's lunch system.

   I glared at the plate of fries that emerged from her area. Sure, just having to type your ID into the lunch system to have the food appear right before you beat the torture of long lines, line cuts and petty fights. But not when you were scanned in the process, with the system recording your weight, height, health conditions and assigning you 'meals' like kale when you weren't 'fit' or 'healthy enough'.

   As my scowl spread through to the other table members' plates, I sighed at the thought of the day I wouldn't have to sneak a caramel bar after lunchtime. When I will be 'fit' enough to choose my own lunch.

"Beth, are you here?" Minji's hands waved over my face.

"Yeah, of course." I swallowed away my cravings and envy. "But uh... you were saying?"

"You were worried about Dorian being your tutor so—"

"Whoa, hold on!" I leaned closer to her as I lowered my voice. "Can we talk about this when he's not on our table less than three feet away? And I was only worried about you not being my tutor, not him. Besides, he doesn't even take Electronics."

   Minji whispered back, smirking, "And with the way you're behaving, I'm pretty sure no one can tell how worried you are."

   My eyes moved to Dorian for a second before his stony green eyes which glared in return drove them away. How on earth did he know I was staring?

"Well, I'm actually tutoring Naru Takahama at the moment and it's kind of confusing–I mean, consuming," I fought back the urge to smile at the redness that rushed to her cheeks before she continued, "so I can't help you right now. But Dorian should be able to since he took Electronics last year. Top of his class, might I add."

   Wait, he was a year ahead of all of us? Then why was he always at our table? Okay, it was common knowledge that he and Rav were super tight, but how did that even happen? And not even one Junior year friend? They couldn't all be that bad.

"And didn't you know he's the captain of the Robotics Club?" She asked.

"No. He never mentioned it," I said.

   Just like he never mentions anything to anyone. Ever. Except maybe Aarav, whom I could bet was the only reason Dorian was a member of this lunch table.

   I'd always wondered how their relationship worked. Most people knew Dorian because of Aarav but his quiet, reserved—ahem, grumpy– self had earned him a bit of a fan club.  Apparently, being moody was attractive to some people.

   I tried to suppress the heat spreading all across my face at the amused eyebrow quirk he gave when he caught me staring again.

"We have to figure how exactly we're going about this. My schedule is packed." Dorian spoke out after Minji told him I'd agreed to be tutored.

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