Chapter 77.

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    At first, I just thought the silence that stood between Dorian and me was because he needed a minute before talking about this memory that made him spiral. Maybe even answer a few questions I might have about him that had been bugging me since this whole thing.

   But then the minute dragged into two, then three, then I was pretty sure a full sunrise would happen before Dorian uttered a word.

   All the words in my head just felt wrong to voice out right now. Especially since I had no idea about the exact thing bugging him. But it felt way worse to see him looking so sad.

"Dorian," I swallowed right after saying his name, bracing myself for any hostile interruptions before continuing. "I'd be lying if I said I know what to tell you so I'm not going to. The thing is though... whether it's finding me in Zavlon's forest for the first time and bringing me to the bunker, helping me in a panic attack or being exactly who I needed when I lost Talise, you've always been there to comfort me and I want to do the same for you. Not because I think I have to at this point, but because just like you believed I deserved it anytime you were there for me, so do I for you. Especially right now. And also because I, uh... I care about you. So please Dorian. Let me make you feel better."

   It took the heavy breaths that followed my words to realise how much I'd spoken.

   But the look Dorian finally directed my way and what he said next made me realize it was all worth it.

"I care about you too."

   Giving a mere nod which was in serious contrast with the excitement that threatened to burst out of me any moment, I didn't take my eyes of Dorian as he ran a hand through his hair and inhaled a loud breath.

   While toying with his fingers, he spoke up with a slight crack in his voice, "The memory I had is just one of many. I dream about these memories a lot and I'd– I'd be lying if I said any of them are good."

   Despite the multiple attempts of my mind to connect dots and ask questions, I did the best I could to focus on being a good listener.

"My parents aren't my, uh, my birth parents." My eyes darted to the vein-covered, balled up fists at his sides when he paused, "my real ones aren't around... alive anymore. I was five when it happened."

   My hands went over Dorian's slumped shoulders in an instant, squeezing tight. I didn't want to speak up until I was sure that he wasn't going to say anything else. Fortunately, I'd made the right choice.

"The period between after my parents' death and before my adoption was not really a good time. The– the institution I was in didn't have the interests of children at heart. Unless they suited their interests that is. They were more focused on what they could take from us. And they didn't care how they got it. Attempting to resist as a defenceless child against the lot of them just made it worse. The institution always made you pay for it. In more ways than one..."

   As he trailed off, my eyes fell to see his right hand clutching the fabric of his shirt round his chest. The frown of confusion that overtook my face only lasted for a second upon realising the reason behind his gesture.

   I allowed one of my hands to cover his, making sure to lock our eyes before asking with the softest tone I could manage, "They're the ones that gave you your chest tattoo, aren't they?"

   Immediately, Dorian shrunk away from my hold and shot to his feet. The green colour of his eyes appeared to darken as they stared down at me wider than I'd ever seen.

"H-How do you," Dorian stopped to catch the breath I'd made him lose in a split second. "How do you know about that?"


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