Chapter 80.

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   We were able to get back to the motel just in time for the late lunch being served at its dining area. The food had never tasted better as everyone lapsed into conversations that had to do with everything but what we were currently facing. With childhood memories, first high school parties, to embarrassing science fairs and so many other topics which could either get us cancelled or blackmailed in future, I found myself smiling and laughing harder for the first time in ages.

   I would be lying though if i said that my worries about Talise in Zavlon and my mum all alone at home had been dissipated by these conversations.

   Still, I wasn't sure whether it was because my weapons presentation went well or how much fun I was having with everyone here, but the warm sensation of optimism that rested within me just won't go away. I felt like one of the heroes and heroines in one of my comics. Like the Yunies could not possibly be a match for any of us. We were going to go in, find Mr Sacury's Lab and find the one thing that could put an end to all this, while looking incredible in the suits Dorian made–

   A sudden ding noise that I could identify with the notification sound on a phone brought me back to earth. My hands impulsively began to search my pockets until I remembered I hadn't seen my phone since Talise took it with her after those texts I received from the Yunies about my mum.

   My burning curiosity about whose phone the noise came from got stifled when Cami arose from the table and walked away after muttering something about her parents trying to contact her.

   Rav had barely gotten through one of his yet another funny stories that was interrupted by Camila's exit when she came rushing in.

"If you wanted to listen, you should have just told me to wait or something." Rav snickered at her.

   The look on her face however appeared to do anything but share his humour. It was at that moment that I realised the unstable rise and falls of Cami's chest which accompanied her wide, frantic brown eyes. She stayed silent while her eyes travelled across the table to stare at every one of us, my skin crawling when her glance reached mine before sailing toward the rest.

"Everyone should come with me," Those simple words were enough to make my stomach drop. "Now."

   Even though Camila's trip back to her room was anything but slow, the rest of us didn't share the same enthusiasm. Speaking for myself–and I'm pretty sure the others as well– the terror that came with what we were going to walk into was transferred to heavy weights on my feet.

   Upon finally getting to the room, my breath hitched without me meaning to as I glanced at Cami hunched over her laptop on her desk. Following Landon, Dorian and Rav, I braced myself for the worst as my eyes made contact with the laptop screen.

   I frowned.

"Camila," The confused tone Rav used to mention her name reflected on all our faces. "There's nothing here."

   He wasn't wrong. I was looking at a pitch black laptop screen. We all were. I directed my furrowed eyebrows toward Camila.

   Was she serious? As relieved as i was that her dramatic behaviour was merely that, it wasn't easy suppressing the heated fury that began to rise toward her for scaring us like–

   A sudden click jerked my sight back to the screen.

   I was starting to think my mind was screwing with me when a similar sound erupted from what I was now certain was the laptop. The click was not unfamiliar. As a matter of fact, it was the all too familiar click I had heard twice in real life and a thousand times in my dreams–no nightmares.

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