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Dae stood by the door of the King's office awaiting her father to step out, someone told her father was inside, together with her older brother, whom she thinks she might have met once. Anyway she stood their perfectly stills while pulling at the skin of her thumb.... What was her good to say? Would he be proud of her? She wondered... She did as he want, married the king, then slept with him... Then soon enough she'll give him a child... A child?

She looks down at her belly and places her hand on top of it... Imagining her self round with child... The image doesn't sit well with and it made her shiver... She can't see herself pregnant. And what if she gave the king a daughter instead? Would that mean they would have to try again and again until she gave him one? But one if she had no son? Would that upset him?

Her train of thoughts were cut short when the door suddenly opened, the first one to step was a man well in his early 60's with greying hair, next to him who stepped out was... A young man, sharing the same look as Frederick, with reddish brown hair... The same one her father has.... This must be Marcus she thought. She licks her lower lip and corrected her stance, Marcus showed her a small smile that she wasn't expecting... She returned it, knowing that it was nothing but just for a show. The man who first stepped out greeted her and bowed... While Marcus walked closer to her.

"How are you dear sister?" He asked, she flinched when his hand touched her cheeks... His hand were warm, and though he was looking lovingly at her... Something about his action... Shouted warning at her... That he shouldn't be trusted.

"I... I am fine... How's father?" She asked him, trying to look behind him... He step aside to give her view just in time to see him stepping outside of the King's office. He still wear that stoic expression he always had with her.... But the moment his eyes met her... He showed her a little smile... This made her sigh in relief.

It only means one thing

She did good, he was pleased. She swallowed and Curtsy before greeting him.

"Father... I hope you have had a easy journey." He approached her and lean down to give her a kiss on her cheeks, this made her tense.... He never does that before... Was he that pleased?

"I have had a pleasant journey daughter... How are you? How is the wedding night? Did he hurt you?" Dae shakes her head, he was making a show... He was trying to make it look like he was a caring father to her.

"He didn't hurt me... Everything went fine... Will you be joining tomorrow's grand hunt?" She inquired, he hummed before looking behind him, she followed his gaze and she was surprised to see the princess, who looks just as surprised as her.

"Lady Dae... Are you alright? I thought you... weren't feeling well?" Princess Roshanne asked her... She looks back at her father before answering.

"No... I just need some rest that's all." She lied, she gave her a small smile, but the looks she gave her tells Daw that the princess doesn't believe her.

" May I greet his Majesty?" She asked her.... Roshanne raised her brow... But then she looks at Dae's father and realized something before nodding her head. Dae smiles and walked inside. The king quickly stood upon seeing her.

"My dear." She smiles at him and bows her head.

"My king." She greeted back..
She watched him as he makes his way closer to her... When close enough to her he leans down to kiss her on her lips... His lips lingers their for a moment longer, while Dae stood frozen, holding her breath... He stinks. She thought. When he pulled back she quickly wore the smile she was training to wear every time she sees him.

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