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WARNING: just to warn you all, this chapter is not for the weak. There will be mention of SA, if you are uncomfortable please... Please skip the pov of Dae. This is a horrible chapter and it took me a while to complete this. So please be warned.


The room, felt like a gallow rather than a place of comfort, she noted as she stood in the center of the room feeling cold, she had changed, from her lavish wedding gown to a sensual night dress Made of the finest silk, it hung to her body like a second skin.

The room was warm but despite it, Dae felt completely cold... She swallowed as and looked down at the vial in her hand that the princess gave her to drink... Without any hesitation she drank the whole of it and threw bottle at the fire place making sure that there will be no evidence of whatsoever it is.

She once again returned to the center of the room to look at the bed, with white sheet and petals of roses scattered stop it. The maids after changing her dress had left her, and the king was... Well he was taking a bath. He was making her wait... Making Dae feel more dread... Neviska had told her that it is time for her wedding to be consumated... And it scared her.

She remembers the story of one of her nanny about what happens during wedding nights. Whereas the husband would mount his wife like how a lion would mount it's mate... She remembers hearing about the tearing of flesh to make room for the husband's... Cock. She remembers hearing of feeling an excruciating pain that the woman would end up passing out... Dae was afraid of pain, she never likes pain, she never like wounds nor blood. So it was only natural for her to feel... Scared.

She flinched when the door of the bathroom opened and the king finally appeared in all his naked glory. Dae had to held his Breath to stop herself from bulking at the sight of his Majesty. An old man who's frail and disgusting to look at. Dae could see his rib sticking out but what make her feel more appalled was the pale thing hanging from between his legs, despite the king being frail... He actually... Is... Big...

She swallowed as her hands and feet sweat... How will that monster fit inside her? It will tear her apart. She thought staring at it as it slowly comes alive.

"Men and women alike gave you a gift tonight befitting that of a beautiful princess." The king spoke as he slowly run his hand against the skin of her arm. Dae could puke at any moment, so she kept her mouth firmly shut in fear of angering the king.  She must endure this, for the sake of her people, for the sake of her own freedom... She must endure it... She looks back up at the King's eyes, and for a moment she saw the princess staring right at her with determined look... She must endure this for the sake of the princess and her promise.

"I know you must be looking for a gift from me." The king muttered before leaning down against the juncture of her neck, he paid small kisses along her shoulder to her neck making the hair on Dae's skin stand on its end.

"I have a gift for you... Befitting that of a queen." He stepped back for a moment admiring Dae, he stood their for a moment in complete silence before tearing down Dae's night gown leaving her naked and vulnerable, Dae quickly covered her self in shame... And tears finally began to pour out, she's scared... She's so scared... She wanted to run but she couldn't.

" I'll give you my seed."The king declared before grabbing her arm and harshly pulling her towards the bed before pushing her down.

Dae didn't make any sounds.

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