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Dae stared at the mirror, at herself that she could barely recognize, they had put something on her face... Made her wear  heels and then dressed her in the white garment laced with gold that the princess told her is her wedding gown... She looks like a true woman now... Gone was the image of her innocence, and for a moment she likes it... If it weren't for that fact that she is getting married to the king.

"You look stunning sister." Her brother spoke while he watches her as the servants mover around her... The princess was in the room with them, talking to the other servant of what other things needed to be done. She smiles when she remembers what they did earlier.

After the king went to the royal hunt, the princess had fetched her from her room, made her wear a leather outfit before they went to the tower where Wildfyre is, and then she made her ride with! Never in her wildest dreams would she thought of riding that beast! Oh the experience was lovely, she was able to touch the clouds!

"What are you looking at? Didn't you hear what I said?" Her attention went back to Fredrick.

" Thank you brother, and pray forgive me... I was just thinking about the ride I had with the princess... It's was something exhilarating." She confessed to him. She saw him roll his eyes...he was tryin to act good and gentle knowing the princess was with her, he tried to engage in a conversation with her but the princess had ignored him. whenever Fredrick would bring out a topic, the princess would just blankly stare at him or not pay any attention pretending she didn't hear what he said.

"I wish father's here." Fredrick told her, he was smiling but his eyes says otherwise, he wanted their father to be there so he could keep a close eye on her.

"Lord Fredrick, if you would please step outside for a moment, the wedding will begin in a few minutes, the lady needs to be briefed about certain wedding traditions." One of the older servant told her brother, Frederick was ready to oppose but one look from the princess had him cowering. He left without a word.

"Are you alright?" Princess Roshanne asked her as she run her fingers along the soft fabric. Dae bit her lower lip and nod, though it was a lie, she wasn't feeling alright at all, she's scared, she wanted to run away but she had nowhere to go.

"Leave us." The princess demanded, the servants comply and silently left the room.

"Dae... Look at me." Dae did as what the princess asked her, she cupped her face and run her thumb along her cheeks.

"I know you are scared, but it will be alright... After this It's one more step closer to your freedom... That I promise you." The princess gave her a soft smile, in which she returned. Of course, it's a necessary step to take... For her freedom.

"Listen... You're wedding quick, but the celebration is long... It will be celebrated for another three days... Today you will exchange vows in the altar, and you will have to attend the ball, you will have your first dance with the king, then after that you are free to do as you please... Noble families will congratulate you. Now I want you to relax, they will simply engaged in a normal talk with you... If they ever said something offensive just smile, ignore it for today... Then before the ball ends you will have the last dance with the king... Then after that. " Roshanne paused for a moment looking at her with a worried expression... Yes Dae had already know of what is to come next after the last dance.

" The bedding ceremony will come next... You will have to lay with him... It will be quick I promise you." Princess Roshanne held her hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

" Bare the pain... It will be over before the sun even rises. But before the bedding ceremony began, I want you to drink this." The princess placed something on top of her hand, it was a small vial, containing a pink liquid.

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