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The princess had struck her, she thought as she stared at the books before her... She didn't expect that, she... She looks like a goddess... Dae runs her finger through the pages of the book, with the picture of the Sun Goddess Imyrill, the sun goddess of love and fertility and sexuality. The goddess has golden locks, and eyes like that of the princess... Yet in the scripture it says that the Goddess is gentle, and not close to anger as she is the representation of love itself... Yet when the princess had struck her and looked at her with such fiery gaze, she could not help but think that she is closer to the Sun Goddess of war, Riyanon. Dae turned to the next page and looked at the pictures of the Gods and Goddesses, they all look the same... They all shared the golden hair and eyes... And she thought for a moment... The princess belong there, with them... She could be the Goddess of courage she thought, for the princess has the courage that Dae could not muster. Even though the princess had strike her and looked at her with disdain, Dae couldn't ignore the way her heart throb... Because she had the look of fury in her eyes... Something Dae had wished to have whenever her father would strike her, or whenever the maids in the tower would hurt her... She wishes she has that fight in her to stood her ground... So instead of really hating her... Dae could not help but to admire her.

She flips to another page and then to another and another, she did not notice the time until Neviska came and visited her.

"My lady." She called her, Dae looked up at her. Neviska as always has the pretty smile on her face.

"Yes?" She asked her before standing up.

"A carriage from your house had arrive, your brother is here." Dae was surprised, she thought her father's caravan would arrive in three weeks, why was her brother already here? She asked herself uncertain, the image of freedom suddenly shatters before her... She knows why her brother is already here... She knows... That he is going to keep an eye on her. To remind her of her duty to their family.

"My lady? Are you alright?" Neviska asked her, snapping her out of her own thought, she nods her head and smiled, hiding the dread, she allowed Neviska to guide her out of the library and into the inner ward of the castle. She already saw a couple of troops from her father's army, there banner of fire breathing drakes waves in the wind, proud and bloody... There was a also carriage that probably carried her brother... Dae had only met his brothers a couple of times, when they were brought up in the tower to accompany their father, they were introduce to her only one time, their names is the only thing she remembers. Her father has four sons... The eldest was the crown prince, his heir so she doubt that he will send Marcus to the kingdom of his enemy, he is too precious... His third on the other hand couldn't be sent too, because he is known for his short temper and crass way of speaking, sending Ignatius would be like sending a rabid drake... So it would be either of the second son Fredrick or his fourth son Clerick and although she's also aware that she haw two other sisters, Dae had never actually met them... her steps falters a bit when she suddenly see the unmistakable golden threads of the princess at the front already conversing with a certain tall man... They seem to engage in a light conversion, the princess has this smile on her face that Dae knew was forced for it did not reach her eyes... Besides him is the king's son Alastair, the silver knight. He was the first one to see her... Nodding his head in acknowledgement of her presence. Between Alastair and his brother Kaspian, she prefers him... Though he may not look like it, he is actually nice to her.

He whispered something in the princess ears before Roshanne turn to look at her... When their eyes met Dae did not miss the ire in her eyes that she soon masked with profess smile on her lips.

"Lady Dae is here... I believe that the two of you had missed each other greatly." Princess Roshanne extended her hand towards Dae beckoning her to approach, though she did not miss how her words are implying something. She approached them, hesitant on her steps, she finally saw one of her brothers again, this man is taller than their father,and has fierce blue eyes but unlike her, this man has black hair, now that she stood before him she doesn't not know how she should greet him. They are not close, they did not speak nor send letter during their birthdays. So instead she settles with a court nod and greeted him.

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