Chapter 146

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We are almost here🫂

Dont think about anything and enjoy this chapter

Comment all you want because this is one of the last chapters.

I hope you enjoy it!

"Are you ready?", Jin asked Mina who nodded her head.

"Let's go", Namjoon signalled as the guards rushed in the house.

"Well, well, who do we have here?", Hobi asked smiling as he circled the four people who were kneeling down, held down by the guards, hands tied behind their backs.

The brothers and Maya were at the back watching everything unfold.

"What the fuck do you want now?!", Dany screamed in annoyance.

"I came here to say a final goodbye", Mina said as she gave a tight slap to her father and continued, "You are a coward. I hope you remember that till you die. You are a useless husband and a worthless father. You are nothing but a bad memory in my life!"

"MINA!", Julie screamed.

"Oh, you want some bitch?", Mina asked as she repeatedly slapped Julie, crying in between the act.

"This is for all the pain and shame you have inflicted upon me! This is for everything you gave me till this date! For making my life miserable! For taking away my dreams, my life!", Mina screamed out her pain and sufferings.

Next she moved on to Dany.

She didn't slap him.

"You don't deserve to be even touched by me, brother. You are nothing but a lifeless puppet in their hands. A waste of space. A sick minded bastard. Hope you never live a happy life. You ain't worth it".

Next to her tormenter, Kris.

"Release him", Mina said.

The guard released him as Kris stood up with rage.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", He screamed grabbing Mina's throat.

The guards moved forward but Jimin stopped them.

"Do you know what I am going to do with your heir?", Mina asked, her tone dead calm.

"What,?! No!", Kris asked getting an idea of what might happen.

"Abort it", She said as Kris stumbled back.

"No, you can't..NO YOU'LL NOT!!"  He screamed.

"YES I WILL! Now you are understanding the meaning of 'no'. What happened when I begged you every time? What happened when I was screaming 'no'? What happened, huh? Now, it's my time to make everything right. I will remove each trace of you from me. I will accomplish my dreams, marry someone who I love with my whole heart. And you? You will rot in hell", Mina said, calm and collected.

"You fuckin' bitch!", Kris raised his hands to slap her.

Mina acted quickly and caught his hand.

Kris who was not expecting this, received a hard punch on his nose.

A crack sound echoed through the room.

"Go Mina!", Taehyung clapped his hands with excitement.

Maya watched everything with a proud heart.

Mina kicked Kris's crotch repeatedly as his painful screams and groans filled the room.

"How does it feel? Wonderful, right?", Mina asked giving a final hard punch in his abdomen making him fall like a lifeless body.

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