Chapter 96

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The four youngest siblings came to their company K.A & Co., after their school.

As the Maknae Line had some business and Aera can't be left alone, she tagged along with them.

There was a serious project going on at the company, so the eldest one's were quiet busy too.

Aera knocked on Jin's cabin as she heard a 'come in', in his cold voice.

The anklet sound made him look up in an instant, as his lips formed a smile.

"Aigoo, my princess, come here", he said pushing off the rolling chair, a little far away from his desk.

"I missed you, Oppa", she mumbled sitting on his lap and hugged him.

Her mood was in a better state as the brothers treated her lunch outside the school campus.

He kissed her forehead and cheek, caressing her hair.

"You wanna eat something?", He asked.

She shook her head.

She was a little hungry, but didn't want to disturb him right now.

They can always enjoy some snacks later, after he completed his work.

"Liar", He said and pressed a button.

His secretary came in the room and bowed down.

"Sir, everything is done", She kept a file on his desk and stood there waiting for his orders.

"Get some cookies and a chocolate milkshake. Get something for yourself too", he said, as he knew she was working hard for this project.

"Yes sir", she said leaving the room.

He rolled back to his desk and started typing on his computer.

She stayed leaning against him, as her doe eyes scanned the room.

After a knock, his secretary came inside and kept the cookies and milkshake.

She left the room after bowing down.

Jin quickly took a taste from them to test them.

"Eat up, princess", he said patting her back.

"Eat with me", she said patting his cheek.

He shook his head as he was concentrated on his work.

She got off his lap and took the snacks and settled down on the couch.

She munched on the cookies and took occasional sips from the drink.

She was done with the cookies but couldn't finish the milkshake.

More than half of the content was there.

"Oppa, can you please drink this?", She asked.

None of them in their family liked to waste food.

"No baby, please finish it, hmm?", He asked as he clicked on the printer.

She tried but couldn't.

She stood up and went towards him.

She tripped on her steps as the drink splashed over the papers that his secretary kept a few minutes ago.

But the thing that got his attention was the whimper that left her mouth.

She got hit on her stomach right at the edge of the desk.

His anger raised up.

When she realised what she did, she looked at him with hesitation, only to see his angry eyes.

"I-i'm sorry, Oppa", she mumbled stepping away from his desk.

He shut his eyes and opened them again.

He signalled her to come near him.

She kept the glass on the desk and stood near him.

He took her on his lap as he felt her heart thumping through her back.

His hands went through her shirt as he caressed her tummy, where she got hit only making her whimper and push his hand away.

"Shhhh", he said as he rubbed the area, to avoid any swelling or clotting.

She was the one who angered him and she was the one who could cool him down.

He called someone through his telephone.

A cleaner came inside the room and cleaned the mess.

She went out bowing.

"Is it painful?", He asked.

She shook her head.

"I'm okay now", she answered.

He stopped and fixed her shirt.

He kept his hand on her lap and continued working.

He was focused when he felt wetness on his hand.

He looked down to see her tears falling silently on his hand, as she was trying to wipe away her tears.

He smiled a little and stood up with her on his hold.

He sat on the couch with her infront of him.

He bent down to her height and wiped her tears.

"Why are you crying princess?", He asked caressing her cheeks.

"I-i'm really sorry, Oppa. I know I am such a foolish person. I know it's hard to take care of me. But please, don't be mad at me, oppa. I know you worked hard and I just ruined it. I'm useles-", she was interrupted by a light smack on her cheek.

"Dare to say it, and you'll see my worst side. I was not mad for those papers princess. See there", he pointed at his desk.

She saw where he pointed only to gasp.

A sharp scissor was just inches away, from where she got hit.

"You should be more careful, baby. I'm not blaming you. Just try to be more attentive, alright?", He asked kisseing her forehead.

She nodded with a small smile.

"And princess, this company doesn't run on mere papers. If these are spoiled, we have a soft copy. The thing needed on the hard copy was just your brothers' signatures. Don't worry about that, princess. Also, it's not even urgent. We need this by next week. So don't feel bad about yourself, huh?", He said rubbing her back.

"I'll try to be better, oppa", She said kissing his cheek.

"You don't feel anything, right?", He asked pointing at her tummy.

"I'm totally fine Oppa", she said smiling.

"Okay! Get ready princess. You have to fix some things", He said with a smirk.

He handed her the new papers and said, "Get sign from those six imbeciles" .

"Yes sir", she said bowing down, acting like an employee.

She went to Yoongi's cabin next.

From there her journey started.

Offering hugs and kisses for the tired brothers and them trying to get something for her to eat and she refusing them, trying to convince them that she had more than enough and explaining what happened, only to get some serious and some playful scoldings from her brothers.

She came back finally.

She handed the papers to Jin and plopped down on the couch.

It was already dark outside.

"Wait for sometime, princess. We'll get home",  Jin said.

She nodded and laid down on the couch playing with her phone.

Like that she slept on the couch unknowingly.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin