Chapter 117- Part 2

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The two voices screamed.

Aera and Jin were walking in a circle, shouting at the top of their lungs, the music blaring through Jin's room.

"Lower the volume for my sleep sake!", Yoongi's voice came through their door.

Aera widened her eyes and switched off the speaker and jumped on the bed, covering herself with a blanket.

Jin laid beside her as their heads peeked out of the blanket waiting to get scoldings from their brother.


They sighed in relief hearing the footsteps going away.

"Phew!", Jin mumbled wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Yoo oppa is really possessive of his beauty sleep", Aera whispered with a nervous smile.

It was the same day as Jimin took her out.

It was past the bed time, but the siblings were having fun.

"You see the strand here, braid it with the half completed portion over here", He said giving her a demo.

Jin was teaching her a new hairstyle.

He was braiding in one side and she was trying in the other side.

He smiled seeing her tongue stuck out in concentration, as she tried the best to replicate what her brother did.

"That's it princess!", He exclaimed clapping his hands.

She smile looking at her work.

She was sitting on his dressing table while he was standing behind her.

"Jin Oppa, you know everything", she smiled as she took a picture of them.

He bent down to her height, hugging her neck from the back, keeping his chin on her head.

"It feels like it was yesterday you learnt how to walk", he looked at her through the mirror.

Her eyes started to tear up seeing his glossy eyes.

She turned around and hugged him in a tight yet soft manner.

"Why are you crying Oppa?", She asked rubbing her nose on his white t-shirt.

"Don't be worried. I'm okay", He said wiping his tears and caressing her head.

"Are you missing the old days oppa?", She asked pulling out of the hug and looking at him.

He nodded his head.

"But I fear the future more", He said having a distant look on his face.

"Jin Oppa, you are a pabo", she said.

He gave her an offended look.

"Who are you calling pabo, huh?", He asked picking her up and hanging her upside down.

She squealed out laughing.

"Oppa! Please don't drop me!", She screamed.

"I will. But not here, how about the swimming pool?", He challenged her.

"NOOOO!!", She screamed, eventhough she knew he won't do it.

"YAAAH HYUNG! LEAVE HER ALONE AND LET ME SLEEP!!!! These people are eating my brain day by day", Yoongi sounded distressed.

Jin carefully held her and landed her in her feet.

She stumbled as her face was red.

He held her with a chuckle and fixed her clothes.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now