Chapter 132

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As Aera and Suno went in, she she saw her brothers sitting on the couch, everyone focused on the laptop.

As soon as they sensed her presence, Jin said, "Upstairs".

Aera's lips wobbled at his tone.

She was definitely not ready for this.

"Op-", A tiny voice came out of her.

"Aera", A warning was heard in Namjoon's voice.

Suno brought Aera infront of her room.

"Change your clothes, hmm? If you need anything, I will be in the guest room. And baby bird, don't be scared. They won't be mean to you. They are just scared. Be a little patient with them", Suno said kissing her hand and walking away.

Aera closed her door as she laid on her stomach.

She didn't cry.

She wanted to cry, but her tears never surfaced.

She was a person who could cry for the smallest of things.

She knew she was a crybaby.

You can think rationally all you want but emotions won't know rationality.

She wanted to be a crybaby right now.

She wanted to let out her foolishness and fears in her tears.

Her mind kept replaying the same incident again and again.

She saw the truck zoom into her face.

She saw the screeching of tyres as the brake was applied.

She heard the screeching sound.

It echoed in her ears.

If not for Suno, she could have died today.

And she was not at all ready for that.

She wanted to live.

Live a happy life with her brothers.

She had so many dreams to accomplish.

She was not ready for the incident that took place today.

When her mind started to shut down, she felt the pain coming back.

She hissed as she pulled off her pants.

Scratches lingered throughout her legs.

She should be grateful that atleast she had legs.

She took a step forward and it hurted her.

By limping she reached the bedside table.

She didn't have enough strength to go to the washroom to take the first aid kit.

She found some random pain relief cream and tablet.

She really wanted someone beside her right now, but she guessed that her brothers were angry with her.

Honestly, if she was in their place, she would be angry too.

Suddenly the door opened as Jimin came in.

She lightly gasped seeing him.

He looked like he had cried. A lot.

He came in with the first aid box.

He tossed it on her bed.

The first thing he did was hug her tightly and lifting her up in the process.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now