Chapter 34 - Epilogue

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As Christmas approaches, the bustling cityscape of snowy London transforms into a scene straight out of a winter wonderland. The blanket of snow softens the edges of buildings and pavements, muffling the usual cacophony of city sounds. As dawn breaks, the streets take on a serene and ethereal quality, with the first light of day usually glistening off the freshly fallen snow. The snow delicately dusts the wrought-iron railings and ornate lampposts, casting a picturesque scene that seems almost surreal.

Pedestrians, bundled up in thick coats and scarves, leave behind footprints in the snow as they make their way along the sidewalks. Children laugh and play, their cheeks flushed with rosy warmth, as they build snowmen and engage in spirited snowball fights in the parks and squares. Amidst the snow-covered streets, the warm glow of cozy cafes and pubs illuminate the streets.

As dusk falls and the city lights twinkle against the snowy backdrop, you stand amongst it all. Lost in the beauty of it all, the flood of nostalgia showered you graciously. The snow continues to fall gently, blanketing the city in a quiet stillness that contrasts its usual frantic pace, creating a moment of tranquillity and enchantment.

"How I missed this," you whisper to Jim, who stood beside you.

"It hasn't been the same without you," he places a hand on your shoulder, "New York has been booming the last decade,"

"So has your skincare," you remark, "have you started a new anti-aging cream?"

"Oh, shut up," he scoffs, seeing Sebastian approach after parking the car. "Any word on the new powers over in the West?"

"All dealt with," you hum, following him down the street. "This walk better be quick; I really need a drink, James," after a glance over, you knew he had something on his mind, "Okay, what do you need to tell me?"

"John said thank you for the wedding and baby presents," Jim inputs quickly, not daring to see your reaction, "he wasn't sure if it would get back to you,"

"How is she?" you text a few clients while asking, watching your step every so often.

"Growing," is all he can come up with, "you really think I care that much? It's a child, it's alive,"

"She is John's daughter, be more empathetic," you chuckle.

"Well, if you'd really like to know..." the restaurant was now before you three. Warm orange light pulled patrons inwards, coats being taken off each guest and the utmost perfect service. Jim and Sebastian led you inside, your heart hurrying its pace once you saw the greying blonde hair of a turned-away man sitting in a booth alongside a blonde woman.

"What did you two do?!" You whisper shout, unable to escape without making a scene. Step by step, you were dragged closer to the table and met with John and his new wife Mary.

"Glad you two were able to get to the table first," Jim smiles, "Y/n here took a bit too long with her luggage- OW!" he groans when you elbow him roughly.

"No, that's okay," Mary was the first to stand up, her arms open for a hug, which you hesitantly accept and end within a few seconds. She gives an understanding smile, "Oh, come on, John, you've been practising for days now," she urges.

You look at your old friend, unable to decipher how he is going to react. A hug. Just like Mary but tight and meaningful. "Don't ever fake your death again," he whispers warningly, making you laugh, leaning into the hug with tears just glossing your eyes. Sebastian and Jim high-fived each other secretly before leaving swiftly to leave you with the couple.

"I promise I won't," you laugh, "I'm so happy to see you, and finally meet you," the latter was directed to Mary. "I hope you liked the gifts?"

"Y/n, you helped us put a deposit down for our house, then bought half our nursery items," he states plainly, "A 'thank you' is hardly enough to show our appreciation, but are you kidding me??"

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