Chapter 5 - Old friends

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By the time the sun set, Sherlock had investigated three leads, all of which you knew were dead ends. You felt a sliver of temptation to drop an innocent hint creep up your spine. Sherlock was too smart, though; he would surely piece things together much sooner than Jim's plan would allow.

Not that you were a pawn waiting for a grand reveal at the end of the match.

At least you hoped you weren't.

With the busy cafe shuffling about around you, your thoughts had let your drink run cold. John glanced over at your glossed-over eyes, mouth parting to voice concern but soon shutting when your phone went off.

Stayin' Alive, that was Jim's preferred ringtone.

Both heads turn in an instant as if a memory had been triggered and adrenaline rushed so suddenly into their veins.

"Sorry, got a call," you lift your phone showing a Caller ID saying 'Albert M', "coworker probably fucked up an exhibition, give me a moment,"

John's eyes dropped that weary look when he saw the caller ID, but Sherlock kept his sights set even when you could be seen outside the Cafe's window. He did his best to read your lips, each vowel and syllable pronounced through a gentle smile. Lips curving up slightly, a scoff followed, and even a gentle purse, he was unaware of John's knowing look.

"So, I see you're getting all buddy-buddy with Holmes," Jim brings up, dismissing his previous topic of the murder advancing his plan.

"Oh, don't start this," you shake your head and turn your back to the window. "Which camera is it,"

"Sebastian and I decided to see what you were up to, and low behold," a small red flash could be seen on a corner building, the camera moving gently, making you roll your eyes. "Having fun then? I do hope you haven't ruined the fun at all,"

"Jim, I'm your friend, not some moron for thinking I can get away with anything due to our past," your index finger scratched the inner pad of your thumb, "now if you don't mind, I need to watch your little play unfold, it is getting quite exciting,"

"And to think you were never a fan of my antics," he sighs, looking at his nails, flicking a spec of dirt from the edge of his middle finger. "Well, have fun while it lasts; it's all falling into place, and soon it's back to radio silence for a month or so," his voice trailed off in dismay. He had a knack for planning, but he was also incredibly impatient. Which, in scenarios of year-long plans, didn't turn out so well.

Once the call ended, you placed your phone into your pocket, looking over your shoulder to see Sherlock staring. His eyes averted as John snickers. Now, Jim says don't mess with his plans... but he never said you couldn't have any fun with his target. Letting your lip curl up to one side, you venture inside, enveloped by warmth once more before settling in your seat.

Oh, Sherlock Holmes, you won't know what hit you.


"Well, boys, I've had an absolute blast doing nothing all day," you clap your hands once you reach the entrance of 221B. Water slowly dripped off the concrete steps and onto the pathway, puddles collating from the light rain earlier.

"It is usually a lot more action-packed," John offers you sympathy as Sherlock unlocks the door.

"Yes, yes, bid your goodbyes," he mocks, throwing the door open and dashing upstairs like an irritated cat.

"Ignore him," John dismisses, "I'll let you know when we have a lead; it was nice having someone a little more sociable during a case," he smiles before gesturing to the hallway.

"Oh, no, I have to get home; I have work tomorrow," you pat down your coat, "but I appreciate it. Have a good night, John,"

His 'you too' soon drifted in the air, making sure you were a decent way down the block before he shut the door and found himself craving a warm cup of tea. As he entered the kitchen, he was met with Sherlock on the table. "What now?"

Bouquet of Thorns: Sherlock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now