Chapter 29 - Taking Care

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Sherlock glanced at the time, his watch glinting gently under the fading sunset sweeping through the alleyway. His back rested against the wall. Back and forth, he faced the walkway towards the main street and those ticking hands.

"Just a few minutes late," your hands place around his waist, pulling him closer from behind.

He smiles in contentment at the feeling of your body against his. "Darling,"

"Detective," you feel him spin and take you into his embrace. "Can't be long,"

"Why?" He starts to kiss down your neck, holding you close as can be, "did you need to be somewhere?"

You sigh against his chest, cologne swarming your senses. "No. I have all day,"


It was true; you had nowhere to be for the next 8 hours. You cuddled up in his bed, clinging to his shirt and memorising every spec of dust floating around his room. The moon had risen, drifting through sheer curtains to hit his face perfectly. Oh, that face, how it made your heart melt, eyes focused on every perfectly sculpted feature. He was all you wanted. He was (almost) all you had.

"Sherlock?" the clock ticked closer and closer towards 10 o'clock. 

"Hm?" he pulls you closer, legs intertwined as he nestled closer to you.

"Will you always love me?" your voice hardly caught above a whisper. You watch his eyes dart down. "Even if I was on another planet?"

"Silly question," he mumbles, closing his eyes again, "but of course. If sentiment has taught me anything about my actions, I know I would travel seas and, yes, even planets to get to you,"

"Who knew you were such a romantic," you chuckle softly, kissing his chest. "Europe?"

"Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania and even Antarctica if it meant being with you," he mumbles between breaths, "is that romantic enough for you?"

"Tad bit over the top, but I'll savour in the delight of hearing those words leave your mouth," your hand cups his face, bringing him down for a proper kiss. "I love you,"

"I love you more,"


Moriarty walked through what was once your flat. Boxes were being neatly transported into vans and taken away quickly to his mansion. With such a high-profile case, you needed to move elsewhere.

He took it upon himself to personally oversee every aspect of the move. Signing different papers while walking through the flat and smiling to himself, a fresh start was what you needed.

"I'll catch you up later?" Anna passes by and kisses his cheek. "Do not harass that poor detective."

"I won't," Moriarty rolls his eyes before looking to Moran, who nods, assuring he'd prevent such a thing from happening.


"Knock knock," Jim sings out once John is seen leaving the flat. 

"Oh, it's a party," Sherlock grumbles, eyeing Moriarty, "she's busy,"

Jim looks around the kitchen, grimacing at the jar of kidneys next to the toaster. "Doing what?"

Sherlock grins to himself, pouring tea into his cup and walking down the hall, "putting her clothes on."

If it weren't for you exiting the room quickly, Jim's gun would have sent a bullet right into Sherlock's skull. "Jim, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Tickets," he hands over a small folder, "have you told him?"

"I'll do it soon. We're heading out for lunch, so... I guess I'll do it then?" you whisper, hugging him, "I'll miss you, James,"

Bouquet of Thorns: Sherlock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now