XLII: Masked

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“Az, you have to wear this!” I half-shouted when Az ran away me. He is declining to wear the tie that comes with the outfit that Salem gave him.

“No. What am I, a dog?” He argued, like a kid. I glared at him and in a few seconds he let out a deep sigh and aggressively sat on the edge of the bed, letting me fix the tie on his neck while there's an obvious disappointment seen on his face.

As soon as I finished fixing his tie, I grabbed my comb and brushed Az's hair, styling it in the process. Az naturally looked handsome but this kind of look also suits him. He honestly looked like a prince right out of a story book.

“I hate you.” He said as I am finishing styling his hair. I just laughed on his childish remark and gently tapped his cheeks numerous times.

“You look like a human now.” I joked, he just shrugged and stood up. He walked towards the small mirror in the room and stared at his reflection.  “Is that me?” He asked, I nodded happily.

“I hate it.” He said and frowned.

I went to the bedside table and got the tears of cerce brouch and pinned it carefully on Az's suit. The distinct crimson color of it made it stand out from the rest of his outfit.

“You're done so go on the lobby first, I have to dress up myself.” I said, pushing him towards the door. He rolled his eyes then left the room, closing the door behind him.

I got the dress we bought from the shop out of its box, it as pretty as the first time I tried it. I carefully put the dress on and it fits perfectly with my proportions, making it look like the dress was made exclusively for me.

I sat on the chair infront of the vanity, I was never be the one to put nor use make up on my past life but it would be a shame if a face like Serena's would not be taken care of. I put on some light make up, I also put my long hair in a messy braid.

The final touch was the piece I requested for Winston to make, a simple yet captivating headpiece, numerous butterflies were made from tears of cerce. I pinned them through my hair. My hair being as white as snow contrasted the red butterflies on my hair.

I look beautiful. I thought as I stared at my reflection. I put on the mask that came with the dress. I took the box with the necklace as this would be the gift for Salem.

I went of the room, making sure that I locked the door. I saw Az sitting on one of the empty seats on the lobby, looking at the distance. Most of the people on the lobby can't help but to admire the masked man. Well, can't blame them, he really looks to good tonight.

“Az!” I called, he looked at me for a quick second and averted his gaze to somewhere I do not know.

“You took too long.” He said and stood up, he walked towards me and got the box with the necklace on it.  “Is this the gift?” He asked, I just nodded in response.  He nodded and started walking out of the Inn, I just shrugged and followed him closely.

We rode a carriage and showed the coachman the invitation, I assumed he knows where is it because he did not ask any questions after and just started the carriage.

Az did not spoke to me at all the whole ride. He was silent and just looking through the carriage's window, as if he was on the deep thought. The ride took approximately eight minutes, I paid the coachman and there we stood, in the palace of Yeoris. My guess was right, Salem is someone from higher nobility. She even have her birthday banquet on the palace itself.

“I cannot be seen with you once we're in, you need to get in Salem's good side and give her this necklace, if you can, make her wear it tonight, okay?” I recalled the plan to Az who just nodded in understanding.

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