XXIX: A Beautiful Encounter

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The crowd in the capital was bustling, vendors here and there shouts of their on-going promotions and their prices, hoping to lure customers in. Children ran around, laughing. It was an unfamiliar sight for me. I had no idea how much time I spent on the cell but for me, with the suffering that I went through, it felt like eternity.

People on my path gave way as for them, I was an Imperial guard. Commoners held high regards of the guards who fought and for the Empire so it's common gesture that they will make way anytime they see an Imperial guard walking.

I walked relentlessly, my stomach growling as I can't even remember when's the last time I had food. I felt like my knees were about to collapse anytime soon, the injuries I had did not help that much either.

I know that I cannot stay on the capital, once they know and discovered that I had escaped, there's a high possibility that they put the capital on full lockdown, I am an individual who tried killing the crown prince in the sacred hall anyway. All of the entrances and exits of the Capital was highly guarded even in a daily basis, what more if the news broke that someone who committed treason escaped?

I walked towards the dark alleyway, this. place is the exact opposite of the main capital where extravagant restaurant and shops stood. This place looked like the slums. There were trash and rats everywhere. Couple of homeless people are sleeping just by the corner.

I removed my helmet and the knight uniform and threw it on the pile of trash, leaving the long sleeve polo that I stole from Luca earlier. I continued walking then a small voice of a child was heard.

"You're not from this world, aren't you?" The voice said. I instantly looked back and saw a beautiful young girl with striking hair color, like that of a beautiful cherry blossoms though her eyes were dull grey.

"Who are you?" I asked, did not even bother to deny nor confirm what she asked. It's not coincidence that this little girl know something.

"You're the enemy of fate, I suppose." She added. Her expression became bored as she leaned to the dirty wall.

"What are you saying? Who are you?" I asked once again, hoping for an answer this time.

"Astarte." she responded. She stood up and dusted her dirty dress. "What should be done, would be done." She said as she looked up to me with the same dull eyes.

"If you're looking for a way out of the capital, head that way." She left after giving me directions. I have a million questions for her but all I can mouth is "Thank you." she just raised her tiny arms in response.

I went on the direction she said. It was a creepy path, it was dark and no one was around but soon I reached the end and was welcomed by a soft, cold breeze. It was a forest. The trees were as tall as a two storey building in the present. With a heavy heart, I proceeded on walking through the forest.

The environment engulfed myself. As I walked deeper and deeper through the forest, the once rowdy capital noise turned into a peaceful and solemn sound, a music to my ears. Different species of birds chirped happily and crickets could be heard as if they were having a full-blown conversation within themselves.

Thank goodness that I spent years in the forest in the back of the Gleis manor. At least I have a little knowledge on how to survive in the wild. When I thought that I am now on the safe distance, I lessen my pace as to conserve energy. I'll never know how far should I travel nor have anywhere to go.

"I'm still mad at what you've done Serena, but it is becoming too lonely without you." I whispered but as expected she did not respond, maybe what happened took a toll on her soul.

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