Chapter III: Calm

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Amidst the serene expanse of the manor's garden, where the scent of flowers danced on the breeze and the sunlight filtered through the leaves like liquid gold, I found a fleeting moment of peace. It was a welcome reprieve from the relentless demands of my noble education, a brief respite granted by the Duke's benevolent understanding.

"Sister!" Caspian's joyful cry shattered the tranquility, his boundless energy a welcome interruption to my quiet contemplation. With a fond smile, I welcomed my little brother's presence, his arrival bringing warmth to my heart.

"What brings you here, Cas?" I asked, my voice soft with affection as I looked upon the child who never failed to brighten my days.

""I'm here to keep you company," Caspian giggled, his innocent laughter like music to my ears. He truly is a gentle soul, his presence a source of comfort in the midst of my inner turmoil.

We whiled away the hours in each other's company, sharing in the simple joy of nonsensical conversation. With every word exchanged, I felt our bond strengthen, a connection forged in the warmth of mutual understanding.

But beneath the surface of our carefree interactions, a nagging guilt gnawed at my conscience. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was using Caspian, exploiting his kindness for my own gain. Yet, despite my misgivings, I couldn't deny the genuine affection I held for him.

I didn't want to manipulate him, but perhaps his unwavering loyalty could be my salvation in the trials that lay ahead. If he could see past the facade I presented to the world, maybe he could help me navigate the treacherous waters of noble society. It was a selfish thought, one that filled me with guilt even as I cherished our bond.

"Can you tell me a story, Sister?" Caspian's eyes sparkled with anticipation, his eagerness infectious. I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. He adored my stories, simple modern-day fairy tales spun from my imagination, each one a treasure in his eyes.

This time, I regaled him with the tale of Cinderella, a princess whose folly led to her downfall, leaving behind nothing but a lost shoe.

"I'll be your prince!" Caspian declared suddenly, his youthful enthusiasm bubbling over. I couldn't help but chuckle at his innocence.

"You're already a prince, Cas," I replied, my heart swelling with affection for the adorable boy at my side.

As we whiled away the afternoon, lost in our own little world of make-believe, I couldn't help but notice Emyr lingering in the distance, his gaze fixed upon us. Was he watching us? Perhaps he was simply shy, I mused, trying to ignore the unease that prickled at the back of my mind.

"Noelle? Could you please get us some snacks and refreshments, please?" I called to our ever-attentive servant, breaking the spell of our storytelling. With a nod, she disappeared to fulfill my request.

"Care to join us, Prince?" I called out to Emyr, my voice carrying just enough to reach him. His surprise was evident, followed by a glare that sent a shiver down my spine. What was he hiding behind those icy eyes?

""No fair! I should be a prince too!" Caspian's pout was undeniable, his desire to partake in our make-believe world written all over his face.

"You both are my princes," I reassured him, my fingers gently ruffling his dark locks in a playful gesture of affection.

With a bit of coaxing, I managed to convince Emyr to join us. Reluctantly, he took the empty seat beside Caspian, his demeanor guarded as he settled into our impromptu picnic in the garden.

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