XVII: A Brother's Love

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All of my days were spent with Arthur, he has become my best friend, it turned out that he's got a lover an Earl from Clox. It's a shame that same-sex marriage ain't legal in this Empire.

"Arthur!" I called as I ran towards him who's having a conversation with a Gleis knight on the training grounds.

"I told you not to run, Serena." He said, he's gotten a lot comfortable with me compared to what he was the first time I met him. The Duke don't bother us that much as he observed that what Arthur and I have are nothing but platonic relationship.

"I'm just excited to see you!" I said and gave him a hug, which he returned. The Knight he was conversing with bid his farewell and went off to somewhere.

"Are you ready to train today, Serena?" He asked.

"What do you mean train? I am already much better than you." I responded, it's true. I am training with him for approximately six months and I have gotten better. According to Father, I can qualify to Imperial Knights at the level of my swordsmanship at the moment.

"I know, you don't have to put salt in my wounds, my lady but today it's different. I'm going to teach you archery." He proudly said and handed me a bow and a quiver.

"You look disinterested, do you not wish to know how to wield a bow?" He asked, I maybe made it too obvious that I don't like archery.

"Aside from that, what if you just teach me how to double wield a sword?" I asked, out of curiosity. He seemed a bit of lost and confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Wielding two swords at the same time?"

"Is that even possible?" Oh, so double-wield swords aren't a thing here. I always see those in online games I play everytime and I wanted to do that too.

"Yes." At that moment, I trained myself so hard. I did not know that this is difficult. The weight of the sword in my non-dominant hand makes it complicated and seemed impossible to do.

"You'll get yourself hurt in no time." Arthur said, full of concern. Over the past few months, he's been like Noelle, always concerned and worried.

"I can do this."

I practiced almost everyday to the point that it is Arthur that begs me to at least have a rest day. Which brings us to the present. We are in the middle of preparing for a little picnic outside the manor.

Arthur told me about the majestic place just around the Gleis. This is will be my first day off eversince the day that I decided to work on my swordsmanship.

"Noelle, make sure to bring extra clothes for the both of us." I reminded the busy Noelle. I got the permission to go out from the Duke, I got it pretty easily as I am with Arthur, Derek and Noelle.

"So how are you and Earl Winston?" I asked, mentioning the Earl who Arthur loved. His eyes lit up at the slight mention of his name.

"We weren't able to meet since it's harvest season but we're exchanging letters pretty frequently and he's the best!" He exclaimed, I cannot help but to smile. I love hearing other people's love life. It's much better than first hand experiencing it.

A knock interrupted my sweet conversation with Arthur. "Come in." I said. A young servant, if I am not mistaken, named Charyl entered.

"My Lady, the crown prince is requesting for your presence." She said then bowed.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Tell him that I am unwell."  The poor girl's eyes widened. "Are you telling me to lie to the crown prince my Lady?" She asked.

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