"Promise it's harmless Bot"

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[**5 months later**]

*Clueless has not had the best look of Test tube and Fan but he knew fan was his Target and he would go for him soon... All the objects have learned about the lab and sometimes came to see the subjects... Fahrenheit killed over 50 subjects but the two main one I'm going to add in the story are called To and Bo that are the only two ghosts that live in the lab and test tube and fan can hear their little chatters as they echo upon them*

*But Test Tube and Fan had a secret relationship... They would Make out every night when all this subjects were asleep.....well, intell Bot came they didn't have any spare rooms for them to sleep in so all three had to share a room because of this Test Tube and Fan couldn't really make out now and Test Tube didn't seem to care much but Fan... Let's just say he was pretty mad at this and one day I had enough of it*

[DATE: May 8th Friday 2024]

*Bot was talking to the subject like they usually did the subjects really liked about because they were actually nice to them intell Fan came over to them and kneeled down to their eye level*

"Hey Bot.."

*Fan would say trying to act tough but had a bit of nervousness and his voices*

"Oh Hi Fan! And Yes what do you need?"

*Bot would say turning away from the window of one of the Cells to look at Fan. one of the subjects through the glass window would also look at Fan clearly mad that he had to ruin their perfect conversation*

"But I really need to test something out and I don't want to test it on Test tube or the subjects since they got tested on yesterday!....would you mind being a test subject for today?"

*Bot would flinch a bit feeling a bit nervous and the subject that was looking at Fan will give a sharp, low growl having a feeling he's going to do something bad.*

"I-I.. I don't know did Test tube give you permission"

*They sounded nervous there robot legs shaking a bit. they leaned against the window for support they were scared on what was going to happen but at the same time they trusted Fan they were their second creator after all*

"Promise it's harmless Bot"

*Fan would pause thinking of what else to say before continuing. clearly trying to lead Bot into their trap*

"I would never try to hurt you I promise it's just a little experiment I promise"

*Fan tried to sound as calm as he could grabbing one of Bots arms and squeezing it*

"Well okay I'll trust you..."

*Bot would say still sounding a bit nervous the subject whimpering and concern. Fan would pick Bot up and bring them to the testing room*

"My favorite place"

*Fan would whisperer having a smile on his face. He would bring Bot into one of the testing rooms a shock collar in the middle of the room*

"Now close our eyes Bot, surprise for you"

*Fan would say with a creepy smile Bot wouldn't know this it would immediately shut their eyes... It would feel something heavy go around their neck and human heard fans footsteps echoing into the distance and heard something being picked up*

"Now open your eyes"

*When Bot would open their eyes though, they would see Fan standing about 3 ft away from them with a remote button in his hand his thumb inches away from the button that will control the thing around Bot*

"What are you doing with—"

*Bot would say but before they could even finish, Fans thumb would immediately speed to the button and he would press it making a little beep sound and what was a shock collar that was around Bots neck turning green, activating the shock collar and it was extremely powerful and you may think that "Bot is a robot they're able to take all this power in!" But no not this little robot this was way too much power to take in and they immediately started heating up*


*Bot would stream in pain trying to take the shock collar off desperately they were shaking and crying, Fan would be smiling it would slowly get bigger as Bots scream of pain got louder. Bot was now heating up so much they we're quietly buzzing and then...*


*Bot explode into little pieces some hitting the wall and making echoing sounds Fan would laugh, his laughter echoing the room as he picked up the remaining parts of them*

"Now we have that all taken care of..."

*He would say quietly before throwing it against the wall and walking off Clueless was watching the whole time clearly terrified*

"Oh my God poor Robot!... Now I just have what I need to kill him"

*He would say but suddenly he would notice something Bot turned into a ghost!? This was impossible they don't have a soul!*

"What the..."

*Bot would say noticing Clueless and immediately getting scared but clueless would float over to them and hug them letting them know that he was safe and he wasn't going to hurt them*

"Shhhh...its All going to be okay I promise"

*Clueless would say before pulling away from the hug he wasn't evil after all at least that's what he saw of himself as*

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