"The Killer what now!?"

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*it was a lovely day in the OJ hotel. it's been a couple weeks since season 3 ended of Inanimate insanity invitational...what could possibly turn around this day who knows every good day has to come to a bad one...*

[**TIME: 5:20 PM**]

*Test tube was in her room doing some research.. when she would hear a knock on the door*

"huh? I wasn't expecting anyone today...but it probably Fan"

*she would get up from the bed and walk over to the door to open it but...nobody was there except a letter that she almost stepped on it had some unknown words written on it she went to go pick it up it felt hard*

"hm... Wonder what this could be"

*she said slowly opening it... It was an application to ..the Killer Labs*

"the Killer what now!?"

*She was pretty Shocked At the same time glad that she actually gets to work somewhere!*

* she then walked over the Fans room and knocked on the door waiting for a reply* "COMING" *Fan shouted rushing over to the door to open it, when seeing Test Tube he would immediately light up*

"Hii!" *He would say happily*

"Hey Fan" *Test Tube would say. holding the letter in her hand*

"uhhh what that?"

*He said, clearly confused but also curious of the unknown letter that she was holding*

"oh it's application to this Lab... Which has a strange name"

*she said, the last part in a slightly nervous voice. Slowly showing him the letter*

"ooooo! The name sounds cool"

*he said, clearly interested of seeing the Lab wanting to know it's hidden secrets the post on his blog*

"I mean if that's what you think!"

*She would say before chuckling*

"let's just hope nothing goes wrong"

*she continued. Nudging Fan in a playful way*


*He would say playfully before nudging her back*

[**TIME: 5:53 PM**]

**To be continued...**

the Killer labs Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant