Day 27 [sickness]

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Prompt fill: sickness
Romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

Colds are almost always annoying. Almost always, solely because whenever Niko caught a cold, Aj would fret adorably over his health.

This morning however, Niko woke up with a gigantic headache, a sore throat, and a clogged nose. That was the annoying part.

But then, Aj had woken up next to him, taking one look at his poor state and began feeling up his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Don't h've a fev'r," Niko mumbled, turning his head a bit to nuzzle into the palm of his boyfriend's hand.

Aj shushed him quietly, "'m just checking." His eyes softened, "how are you feeling?"

Niko groaned when Aj walked over to the windows to open the curtains, letting the sunlight inside. "Head, throat 'n can't br'th pr'p'ly."

Aj hummed sympathetically and bunched the blankets up around Niko's face. "Imma get you some tea and a toast or something light, mkay?"

Niko nodded miserably and sighed as contently as he could be right now when Aj moved out of the room and went downstairs.

He looked at his boyfriend's butt as he walked out, and his irrational brain made him try to wolf whistle, which his tired and aching body shut down rather quickly. Sadly, he stared at the now closed door but reminded himself that he could just tell Aj how much he appreciated his butt when he came back.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Aj prepared a cup of tea for Niko, as well as a piece of toast, lightly buttering it. Putting everything on a tray, he went to their medical cabinet, taking out some painkillers for his boyfriend's headache and adding that as well.

In a weird way, Aj liked when Niko was sick with something minor like a cold. Not because he liked to see his boyfriend poorly, but because Niko was much more likely to put up with his coddling when he was busy fighting a mild cold and needing the attention.

He also fell into a very - for a lack of a better word - interesting mindset, which was very one-track-minded but also cutely wholesome. Without seemingly any sexual intentions behind it, he'd obsessively focus on a random detail, mostly closely related to his booty, and make sure he told Aj about its greatness practically everytime he was in hearing distance.

Now, Aj certainly didn't complain about being told by your boyfriend how great you look, the only problem with it was that Niko would get preciously serious about it (like bringing any and all conversations back to it) and try to fight off anyone who didn't agree (there was no one, Niko was in bed) instead of resting (which he really needed to do).

Carrying the tray upstairs, he placed it next to his lover on the bedside table before stroking his fingers over Niko's face tenderly. "Aj," Niko mumbled, sitting up with a bit of help and grabbing for Aj's hand. "You have a very good butt."

Aj suppressed a grin, "so I've been told, love."

Niko gasped and stared at him with wide eyes. "Who would dare look at your behind!" He grabbed the toast and slowly munched on it, "I will fight for your honour."

Aj ghosted a kiss on Niko's cheek holding the teacup out for him to grab, "no one is looking at my butt, Niko, it was just a saying."

Niko huffed, "well maybe they should, I do it all the time, it's great!" Aj sighed. There truly was no winning with him.

Just when Niko handed him the mug back, after taking an obnoxiously loud sip, his boyfriend whined sadly, "Aj, my nose is so stuffy."

"I can hear it, love," Aj teased before throwing Niko's arm over his shoulder, hoisting him up a bit, "come on, let's get you into a bath."

Niko made a sound that probably was intended as a whistle but came out sounding more like blowing raspberries, and Aj side glanced at his boyfriend when he mumbled, "damn it  that's the second time the whistle hates me," under his breath like a lunatic.

"Right," Aj said slowly, helping Niko sit down on the closed toiletseat and started letting water in the tub. "You think you can get in here without accidentally decapitating yourself?"

Niko looked intensely at Aj, then to the slowly filling tub, his own clothed body, and meaningfully back to Aj.

"Depends," he stated carefully, and Aj rolled his eyes fondly. "Will you help me get out of my clothes first and then sit with your great butt with me in the water?" He nodded self-satisfied, "because then imma most certainly need help getting in, it's slippery and I'm sick, so I deserve your fretting."

Aj raised a brow, confused, "then where am I in the scenario where you don't need any help?" Niko stared back at him, not understanding anything. "That doesn't exist, I need you in my life!", he breathed back, appropriately horrified.

"No," Aj grinned, "usually when people phrase shit like that they're making a point about-"

"My point," Niko interrupted, "is that I wish to see your butt." He paused for a second and tilted his head. "I meant because I need you to help me out of my clothes - no, wait," Niko fumbled for words before Aj burst out in giggles and moved closer to tug at his shirt.

"Sure, sure, mister," he kissed Niko's nose and buried his hands in his hair to gently massage his head. Niko sighed relieved and leaned forward, resting his forhead on Aj's chest.

Sitting together in silence, Niko brought his arms up to hold Aj close and pressed his ear to his boyfriend's skin, listening to his heartbeat.

He really didn't mind being sick when Aj was there for him, holding him tightly and putting up with his weird mannerisms. "Come on," Aj murmerd softly once the bathtub was filled.

Niko let his boyfriend pull him up and narrowly avoided the kiss Aj tried to give him.  "Nu-uh, you'll get sick as well," he protested weakly, but not moving away very far.

"Don't worry about it," Aj smiled lovingly, pressing a soft kiss to Niko's lips anyway.

~the end

[1033 words]

[Caring boyfriends <3 we're almost done with Fluffebruary oh my days wow I will finally be able to sleep again]

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